While a divorce affects all parties involved, the separation process is even more difficult with special-needs children. California law requires that all decisions made in regards to child custody and visitation be “in the best interest of the child”. That’s why it is very important to negotiate the many details of the child custody agreement up front to avoid future issues or concerns.
School’s back in session, the nights are getting longer, and everything has come up pumpkin spice. Fall is fast approaching. However, this time of year finds a lot of children moaning about the loss of warm summer nights and days spent at the pool. If your kids are still mourning the loss of summer, consider offering up one of the following activities to inspire a renewed fascination with autumn.
Psychotherapist & Author, The Sleep Lady's Good Night, Sleep Tight
Founder, DrGreene.com
On the Phone at Second Harvest Curriculum
I am blessed that I get to listen, laugh & share with homeschool moms & dads. August & September are busy months for those last minute changes in curriculum or books that moms thought they had & didn’t.
I’d like to share few of the many phone conversations from this summer & homeschool tips:
Author of Trauma Proofing Your Kids & Developer of Somatic Experiencing
New York Times Best Selling Author, Award Winning Film Producer, & Inspirational Speaker
Psychiatrist, Harvard Professor & Medical Director for NAMI
High Performance Psychologist
There was a time when rewards and punishments were the foundation of most parents’ efforts to discipline their children. The formula was pretty simple - reward positive, pro-social, compliant behavior with some sort of “carrot” or reinforcement; and punish inappropriate, anti-social, and non-compliant behavior with a negative consequence.
We learned from other students’ testimonies that our son was regularly hauled up in front of the basketball team for one-on-one sessions with the coach who would yell rhetorical questions in his face along the lines of “Do you even like basketball? Do you even deserve to play? You’re the best player out there, you’re not trying!” According to student reports, when our son tried to get away, the coach would restrain him for more in-the-face humiliation. The other coach would watch.
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Neuropsychiatrist, New York Times Bestselling Author, and Mindsight Educator