How to differentiate between your dream and your child's dream
Watch Video: How to differentiate between your dream and your child's dream by Natalie Hawkins, ...
The way that I separated my dream from Gabrielle's dream is that I listened. We sat down, I feel that communication is very, very important, and I listened to her. And when she explained to me exactly what she wanted to do with her life I got on board and I supported her and I found quickly that her dream became part of my dream because it was then my dream to want to help her fulfill her dream. So, I think that's the most important key is to sit down and let--you know, create an atmosphere where your child can communicate with you and they can let you know what their aspirations are so that you can do what every parent should, get behind them and support them. One of the biggest things that you're going to find when you're trying to support your child and their dream is the realistic steps that it takes to get to that process. And so, for me, I had to decide which coach she would train with. I had to decide her training schedule, her training time, how much I would allow her to train, how many competitions I would allow her to go to. Gabrielle and I spoke to one another about these things. We talked about who she would want to train with. We talked about how many competitions she would want to compete in. We talked about even designing her leotards when she would compete. So the competition leotards, we would get together and we got to design them ourselves. And so, I got to have some input. She didn't like some of my color designs, but we really worked as a team, and I think that that is equally important because it was important for me for Gabrielle to trust me, and I know that it was important for Gabrielle that I trust her. And so, in making these decisions we did it together.
Watch Video: How to differentiate between your dream and your child's dream by Natalie Hawkins, ...
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Natalie HawkinsMom & Manager
Natalie Hawkins is the mother of Gabrielle Douglas, 2012 Olympic All-Around Gold Medalist. Virginia Beach native and single mother of 4, Hawkins faced many struggles putting Gabrielle through Olympic training, giving up everything she had to see her daughter succeed. Hawkins allowed her daughter to leave their Virginia Beach home and close family bonds to pursue her dreams, train with Chow's Gymnastics in Iowa, and become the Olympian she is today. Hawkins has since been honored in the P&G “Thank You Moms” campaign.
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