On the Phone at Second Harvest Curriculum
I am blessed that I get to listen, laugh & share with homeschool moms & dads. August & September are busy months for those last minute changes in curriculum or books that moms thought they had & didn’t.
I’d like to share few of the many phone conversations from this summer & homeschool tips:
Amy is a new homeschool mom who was trying to figure out curriculum & needed to talk about Abeka & the changes in editions. We talked about the current or the previous editions. I went to the shelf & we figured out what went together & how she could work with the less costly editions by using a few Cost Cutting Tips. Homeschoolers are very creative & resourceful when it comes to saving money.
Sometimes homeschoolers who are just starting want the newest edition as they will be using it for more than 1 child as the years go by & they want to keep current with the publisher.
Angie is a veteran homeschool mom who has homeschooled for years. Angie wants to match up editions so she can use a lot of what she has used with her older children. We work on that to match everything up. Copyrights are very important in most & when using Saxon Math in particular. Angie calls every year, it always good to hear her voice. I always learn something from Angie.
Families with several children may want to use the editions they are familiar with. Families & friends pass around used books to help out one another, sometimes these are the older editions.
Karen is a homeschool mom who is finished after many years of homeschooling. She feels like it is time to start cleaning out some of the many homeschool books. It is such an emotional time. The memories are incredible. We talked a lot about that.
Melanie sells us her books every year. She prays who ever may buy the books be blessed. A lot of people do that.
Please feel free to call Lory from 10-4 CST Monday-Thursday & Friday 12-2 at 308-350-0335. We also have Online Chat & Offline Message on our site www.usedhomeschoolbooks.com