As an expectant mom, the idea of leaving my brand new, sweet little girl in the care of someone else, anyone else, scares me. Will I feel like I had enough one-on-one time with her after 3 short months? Will I be able to sleep enough to wake up for a job? Do I like my career enough to miss out on time with her? Can we financially afford to have one of us stay home if I end up hating this “working mom” thing? And the list goes on.
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Neuropsychiatrist, New York Times Bestselling Author, and Mindsight Educator
Spousal support, or alimony, is one of the most challenging issues to handle during a divorce, especially since it affects a spouse’s financial dependence or independence in the long run. Unlike child support, which is almost always calculated using California guidelines and standards, spousal support is more complex to determine and can be subject to much greater discretion by a judge. That is why mediation is a positive alternative for both parties when it comes to negotiating spousal support amounts.
Sports Dads

Author, Podcast Host, Teacher
President and Editor In Chief, Huffington Post Media Group
Educational Specialist & Executive Director of PEL
Mr. Shulman was my junior high school social studies teacher a million and a half years ago. I still remember when he announced that he was going to teach the class about the stock market and buying shares of companies. He told us he’d give us all a hundred mock bucks for us to invest and by the end of the semester, we’d see who had made the best financial choices.
Lifestyle Expert for Working Moms
Founder of the Julie Foudy Sports Leadership Academy
Author, Podcast Host, Teacher
New York Times Best Selling Author, Award Winning Film Producer, & Inspirational Speaker
Author, Podcast Host, Teacher
CEO & Founder of Red Tricycle
Clinical Neuropsychologist
Clinical Neuropsychologist
It’s easy to imagine why a divorce can be a cause of such difficult and stressful times for most couples. When LGBT couples decide to part ways, whether it involves dissolving a domestic partnership or a legally recognized marriage, they need to make similar decisions to heterosexual couples such as property and debt division, child support and custody, pet custody, spousal support, financial and tax issues, or health and life insurance.