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Kids in the House Tour

Back To School: Your Child’s Commuting Safety Checklist

Now that school is back in session, it’s important to observe safety practices before sending your children on their way. Whether your children walk, bike, or take the bus, make sure they’re familiar with the family rules for getting to school safely. Make a checklist and review it with your children. These ideas can get you started.

Walking to School


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Social Emotional Learning

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Mrs. Mason’s Middle Grade Must Reads: Spooky, Creepy Books

Halloween is fast approaching! As children get ready for the big day, many want some spooky reads. There is a certain thrill in reading a scary book and knowing that you are safe in your own life. These spine-tingling books will keep readers on the edge of their seats.

Boys of Blur by N.D. Wilson
Random House Books for Young Readers, 2014
Grades 5 & up

Dividing Personal Assets In A Divorce – How Mediation Can Help

When couples get a divorce in a community property state such as California, all assets acquired during the length of the marriage (but prior to separation) must be equally divided. Separate property, which includes any asset acquired before the marriage, is not included under community property. California courts define this dividing process as “equitable distribution”, to ensure that both spouses get their fair share when it comes to splitting up personal property, real estate property, bank accounts, retirement accounts, pension plans, family businesses, and insurance policies.


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