Safety First
Mike Bomberger is one of the founding partners of the Estey & Bomberger, LLP San Diego injury and accident law firm. He is passionate and dedicated to successfully representing everyone of his clients. Many of the cases Mike Bomberger handles involve representing child victims who have suffered as a result of being involved in an accident that was not their fault. Contact Mr. Bomberger for a free legal consultation.
For many parents, few things are more stressful than choosing the perfect babysitter. While you know the best hands are your own, you can’t be with your children 24/7. With the recent stories of abuse in daycare centers across the country, hiring a babysitter you can trust may be a good alternative. A good babysitter is someone who will take on your role when you’re away. A babysitter will wipe tears, diffuse fights, and maybe even whip up a batch or two of cookies.
Are you thinking about getting a family pet? Dogs make loyal companions and can be a valuable member of the family. Aside from being fun playmates, canines also teach children lessons about responsibility.
Whether you’re considering getting a Fido of your own or just want your kids to be safe around other people’s pets, they should know how to act around a dog. Teach your children to observe some basic dos and don’ts of canine interaction.
Don’t: Let Your Children Disturb Dogs When They’re Eating
Child care providers are responsible for providing the children they care for with a safe and nurturing environment, but some fall short of that duty. Parents may want to take the advice “trust, but verify” to heart before leaving a child with an independent child care provider or at a daycare facility. Here are some red flags to watch out for in a daycare environment:
The improper and unsafe storage of firearms in households across the U.S. is a major safety and health problem causing serious injuries and death of our children and other loved ones every year.
Now that school is back in session, it’s important to observe safety practices before sending your children on their way. Whether your children walk, bike, or take the bus, make sure they’re familiar with the family rules for getting to school safely. Make a checklist and review it with your children. These ideas can get you started.
Walking to School
A pool can be a tremendous source of fun and excitement, particularly in hot and sunny Southern California. However, swimming pool accidents can happen, whether to your own child, an invited friend, or even a youngster who decides to sneak in and have fun. One of the most tragic accidents that can occur is a child drowning. Although anyone has the potential to drown, children are the most frequent fatalities in drowning accidents, especially children under the age of four – a group for whom accidental drowning is the most common cause of injury death.