KidsInTheHouse the Ultimate Parenting Resource
Kids in the House Tour
Arianna Huffington, Editor-in-Chief of The Huffington Post, gives her best tips for new moms on avoiding mommy guilt
Watch Video: Excessive worry can actually do more harm than good by Gavin de Becker, ...
Learn about: Local news and your level of fear and anxiety from Gavin de Becker,...
See Sam Jaeger's video on Tips for overcoming the post-partum blues as a dad...
Actor Sam Jaeger from NBC's drama series "Parenthood" discusses modern parents desire for perfectionism and what parents can do instead of striving to always be the... read more
View Jill Smokler's video on Putting the pressure of motherhood in perspective...
Author and blogger Jill Smokler discusses the effects of mother guilt on her and shares strategies that she uses to overcome it
Watch Video: The many demands of parenthood by Susan Goldberg, MA, ...
See Corky Harvey, MS, RN, IBCLC's video on Why parents are more stressed out today than ever...
Laura Markham, PhD Psychologist & Author, shares advice for parents the best methods for stopping the cycle of yelling between you and your child
Shefali Tsabary, PhD Clinical Psychologist & Author, shares advice for parents on how the wounds of the past can have an effect on our parenting
Shefali Tsabary, PhD Clinical Psychologist & Author, explains the importance of embracing pain in life and how it is necessary to our teach children emotional strength
Adrian Kulp, Author & Blogger, shares advice for other stay-at-home dads on the importance of remembering to also take care of your own needs
Jane Buckingham, Author and Parenting Trend Forecaster, shares advice for parents on what they can do to stay confident as a parent and raise confident, self-reliant kids
Author and Bullying Expert Rosalind Wiseman shares advice on how to respond and respectfully confront other parents of a child that your child is having problems with
Jeanette Yoffe, MA, MFT Adoption and Family Therapist, shares expert advice for parents on three great ways to remain calm when you're child is acting out
Dan Siegel, MD Neuropsychiatrist & Author, shares advice for parents on how to stop yelling at your kids and remain calm and in control in stressful parenting situations
how to help kids get a good night's sleep
It is amazing how much energy children can suck out of us some days, and what is worse is that having kids in the house makes it more difficult to get to sleep!
Psychotherapist WIll Courtenay, PhD, explains what the causes of paternal postnatal depression are, when they are most likely to occur, and what men can do to help... read more
Parenting expert Wendy Walsh shares advice for parents on how to best handle a crying baby and the stress that often accompanies it. Why you should avoid the cry it out... read more
Staff Sergeant (Ret.) Joey Jones discusses what it means to come back home and deal with the aftermath of being injured abroad and how to not fall into the "victim... read more
Staff Sergeant (Ret.) Joey Jones looks back on what got him through getting injured while serving in the military and how he find the inspiration to not give up.
Cathy Cassani Adams shares advice for parents who are feeling overwhelmed.
Mallika Chopra explains The Balance Wheel to help parents deal with feels of stress.
Mallika Chopra shares advice for parents who feel overwhelmed.
Mallika Chopra teaches how to deal with parental stress by creating "microintents."
Mallika Chopra shares tips for meditating everyday.
Mallika Chopra explains how can help parents around the world become better.
Planning a 10 day European summer vacation without the kids requires organization, trust and cutting the umbilical cord.  read more
Kids in the House
Even the most patient, loving parents find themselves feeling overwhelmed and stressed out. What should you do to find balance when it feels like you are almost at the... read more
Arianna Huffington, Editor-in-Chief of The Huffington Post, outlines her tips for getting into a healthy, productive and stress-free parenting "zone"
Arianna Huffington, Editor-in-Chief of The Huffington Post, discusses how parents can help their kids thrive by stressing less themselves
Kids in the House
Do you sometimes resort to yelling at your kids to ge
Watch Mark K. Shriver's video on Facing parenting challenges of generations...
Your day began at 4:45 am when your youngest woke you up because he had a nightmare. After soothing him back to sleep, you manage to get a bit more rest. At 5:30 am you... read more
Rona Renner
Parents, you are not alone!
Actress Alysia Reiner talks about using mindfulness and meditation in parenting
Psychologist Kenneth M. Adams, PhD explains the difference between healthy attachment and inappropriate closeness between a parent and child
Therapist Julie Wright, MFT offers solace to parents concerned with being perfect
Psychologist Joshua Coleman, PhD suggests ways to confront your parents when you are grown up and want to address negative issues
Watch Vicki Hoefle's video on Looking inward instead of using an outside source...
Watch Vicki Hoefle's video on What to do instead of screaming at your kids...
Pastor Jimmy Bartz offers hope and advice for parents dealing with stress, tragedy or life challenges
See Reveta Bowers's video on What parents are most concerned about today...
Pastor Jimmy Bartz offers suggestions for when parents lose their tempers with their children
Lauren Sandler, MA Journalist and Author, explains what the biggest causes of parental stress are for parents today and what parents can do to ease the stress they face
Kim DeMarchi, MEd, CPE
  We are back to school, sports, homework, games, lessons, carpooling, and the list goes on and on.
Samantha Ettus, MBA discusses handling stress, planning ahead, and saving money during the holidays.
Watch Video: How to slow down and appreciate the moment of being a dad by Sam Jaeger, ...
See Sam Jaeger's video on Modern day motherhood guilt & advice to overcome it...
View Natalie Hawkins's video on How to maintain your life as a mom while being a sports-mom...
Watch Video: How to get a lock on your anger as a parent by Elizabeth Pantley, ...
See Elizabeth Pantley's video on When you are losing it with your child...
Erica Curtis, LMFT Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, shares advice for parents on a few ways to help overcome the many challenges faced while parenting
Daniel Siegel, MD Best-Selling Author, shares advice for parents on the best methods for repairing your relationship with your teenager after losing it with them
View Gregg Murset, CFP's video on Overcoming challenges in parenting...
TV personality and CEO of Modern Mom, Brooke Burke-Charvet, shares advice for moms dealing with guilt and how it meaninglessly serves no one
Learn about: Why every mother needs to get coffee with a friend from Tsh Oxenreider,...
Learn about: Making the "perfect" the "enemy of the good" from Robyn O'Brien,... read more
Learn about: The Daily Docket Download for daily organization from Tsh Oxenreider,...
See Jill Smokler's video on You might be that mother tomorrow that you're judging today...
View Jill Smokler's video on You're not alone in your parenting flaws...
Watch Jill Smokler's video on The Scary Mommy manifesto...
View Jill Smokler's video on Why you don't have to be a perfect mother...
Watch Video: The pressure we put on mothers to be perfect by Jill Smokler, ...
Learn about: Saying "no" to all the requests from school & other parents from Jill Smokler,...
Mark Staufer Co-Creator, Dadsaster, shares advice for parents on ways to help control their temper around little kids when they are being difficult
Mark Staufer, Co-Creator of Dadsaster, shares advice for parents on a number of ways to keep your marriage strong with your spouse despite the great stress of parenting
Learn about: Secrets of success for a happy, fulfilled mother from Sarah Maizes,...
Shari Simpson, Parenting Blogger, shares advice for parents on how to use religion as a foundation for keeping calm in stressful parenting moments
Learn about: Feeling isolated as a parent from Shari Simpson,...
Watch Anna Getty's video on Overcoming challenges in parenting...
Watch Video: When the wounds of your childhood affect your parenting by Laura Markham, PhD, ...
Watch Video: Every parent's number one responsibility by Laura Markham, PhD, ...
Watch Video: How one mom lost 170 pounds by Leah Segedie, ...
Learn about: Signs that your relationship with your child needs help from Laura Markham, PhD,...
Laura Markham, PhD Clinical Psychologist, shares advice for single parents on the the most important things do and focus on in your life as single parent
Watch Video: Letting go of the need to be the perfect mom by Whitney Moss, ...
Parenting Author and Blogger Heather Biggs Flett, shares advice for parents on how to best overcome the inevitable challenges that you will face in parenting
Learn about: Learning from other moms from Heather Gibbs Flett,...
Watch Video: The importance of friends in the early days of motherhood by Heather Gibbs Flett, ...
Watch Video: Why it is important for moms to be healthy by Leah Segedie, ...
See Asha Dornfest's video on Rearranging and simplifying a hectic family life...
Watch Video: How to be organized when it doesn't come naturally by Asha Dornfest, ...
See Wendy T. Behary, LCSW's video on Using schema therapy to treat narcissism...
View Wendy T. Behary, LCSW's video on Teaching narcissists improved communication...
Watch Video: How to communicate with a narcissist by Wendy T. Behary, LCSW, ...
View Shefali Tsabary, PhD's video on Why parenting advice never seems to work in the moment...
Learn about: When children trigger a parent's own insecurities from Shefali Tsabary, PhD,...
See Shefali Tsabary, PhD's video on The myth of unconditional love...
Learn about: The mistakes of unconscious parenting from Shefali Tsabary, PhD
Watch Dresden Shumaker's video on Dealing with negative comments...
See David Palmiter, PhD, ABPP 's video on Discussing your own problems with your children...
Learn about: What is the ideal home environment for kids? from Edwin A. Locke, PhD,...