The Scary Mommy manifesto
Watch Jill Smokler's video on The Scary Mommy manifesto...
The Scary Mommy Manifesto really encompasses what it means to be a scary mommy, and a scary mommy is somebody who doesn't judge other mothers, or at least really tries hard not to; who accepts her imperfections and who really just strives to be the best mother she can be, rather than the best mother somebody else can be.
One of the pieces is, "I shall not compete with the mother who effortlessly bakes from scratch, purees her own baby food, or fashions breathtaking costumes from tissue paper. Motherhood is not a competition, the only ones who lose are the ones who race the fastest"
It's so easy to get caught up into what every other mother is doing and how well they're doing it, and it makes motherhood really miserable. It shouldn't be miserable, it should be fun, and we should support each other through it. The Manifesto is just really sort of everything I have learned about motherhood, and how I want to mother, how I wish other people would mother and what unites rather than separates us.
Watch Jill Smokler's video on The Scary Mommy manifesto...
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Jill SmoklerAuthor & Owner, Scary Mommy
What started as an innocent on-line baby book to chronicle Jill Smokler’s stay-at-home days with her children, (Lily, 9, Ben, 7 and Evan, 5) quickly transformed into a vibrant community of parents, brought together by a common theme: Parenting doesn’t have to be perfect. Jill’s honest take on parenting has appeared in numerous publications and on television programs, including The Today Show, The New York Times, Good Morning America, Nightline and CNN.
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