You might be that mother tomorrow that you're judging today

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You might be that mother tomorrow that you're judging today | Kids in the House
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You might be that mother tomorrow that you're judging today

There is a lot of mommy judging that happens every day, every minute, every second, and I would like to say that I am never on the judging end of things, but that would be a lie, I do. I remember years ago I saw a mom with probably a two year old little boy, walking through - I happened to be at Walmart because I needed medicine for myself. I was there at 2 o'clock in the morning and there was a little boy running through the aisles, looking at toys, and at that moment I looked and I said, "Why is there a little kid here? That's so wrong." I found myself at Walmart about a year later with my little boy who had just been diagnosed with Strep. I needed to get his medicine, we were at the ER, and he was running through the toy aisle. I saw a mother scowling at me, and I thought, "I am her, this is exactly the situation I so harshly judged, and now I am that woman!" I think I am judged constantly, and there are moments of my life with my kids that I think, "I'm being such a good mom right now, if somebody were watching, I would be like mother of the year. I hope somebody saw this" and there are moments that I think if somebody saw this, they would want to hospitalize me, they're going to think I'm insane, and those moments happen throughout the day. So I think just really try to keep that in perspective and whenever I get caught up, looking at another mom and sort of rolling my eyes and wondering what she's doing, I think back to that Walmart experience, that I have no idea what led her there, what her day has been like, how she got to where she is, because that could very well be me, and it probably will be me at some point in time.

See Jill Smokler's video on You might be that mother tomorrow that you're judging today...


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Jill Smokler

Author & Owner, Scary Mommy

What started as an innocent on-line baby book to chronicle Jill Smokler’s stay-at-home days with her children, (Lily, 9, Ben, 7 and Evan, 5) quickly transformed into a vibrant community of parents, brought together by a common theme: Parenting doesn’t have to be perfect. Jill’s honest take on parenting has appeared in numerous publications and on television programs, including The Today ShowThe New York Times, Good Morning America, Nightline and CNN.

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