Stay at Home Parents Videos
Mark Staufer, Co-Creator of Dadsaster, shares advice for parents on how to get through the two toughest times of the day, the morning rush and bedtime
Adrian Kulp, Author and Blogger of Dad or Alive, shares advice for fellow stay-at-home parents on his top tips for surviving the entire day with his kids
Adrian Kulp, Author & Blogger, shares advice on the tools that help him connect with other stay-at-home dads and the benefits that doing so has had for him
Adrian Kulp, Author & Blogger, shares advice for other stay-at-home dads on the importance of remembering to also take care of your own needs
Watch Wendy Walsh, PhD's video on Important tips for your online profile as a new mom...
Blogger and author Adrian Kulp discusses the challenge of finding personal time as a stay-at-home dad
Blogger and author Adrian Kulp discusses how he transitioned from being a working to a stay-at-home parent and offers advice to others going through this transition
Samantha Ettus, MBA, talks about the "what do you do" question for stay at home moms
Mark Staufer, Co-Creator of Dadsaster, shares advice for parents on how to overcome the challenges that are faced in the daily life as a parent
Mark Staufer, Co-Creator of Dadsaster, shares advice for parents on the benefits of having a parent-at-home as the primary caregiver for your baby
Mark Staufer, Co-Creater of the Blog and Podcast Dadsaster, shares advice for new stay-at-home dads on how to adjust to new roles for mom and dad
Adrian Kulp, Author & Blogger, shares a few of his favorite free activities that he does with his kids during the day as a stay-at-home dad
Adrian Kulp, Author & Blogger, shares advice for other stay-at-home dads on which phone apps he uses that help him the most in his role as a dad
Adrian Kulp, Author & Blogger, shares advice for other stay-at-home dads on how to best respond when receiving insensitive comments about their role
Adrian Kulp, Author & Blogger, shares advice for stay-at-home fathers on the best ways to challenge the common societal views on stay-at-home dads
Adrian Kulp, Author & Blogger, offers a few important things to decision for men who are considering becoming a stay-at-home dad
Adrian Kulp, Author & Blogger, explains the transition of becoming a stay-at-home dad, and offers advice on how to make the transition easier
Heather Spohr, Blogger & Mom, offers her perspective as a mom on her husband being the primary caregiver of their children
Learn about: Getting time off from being a stay-at-home parent from Scott Lenz,...
View Scott Lenz's video on What you wish you'd known before becoming a parent...
View Scott Lenz's video on Benefits of being a stay-at-home dad...
View Scott Lenz's video on Advantages of being a stay-at-home dad...
Watch Scott Lenz's video on Relationship with a primary caretaker vs. working parent...
Watch Scott Lenz's video on Household duties when you are a stay-at-home parent...
See Scott Lenz's video on Resources for stay-at-home dads...
See Scott Lenz's video on Daily duties of a stay-at-home dad...
Watch Video: How I became a stay at home dad by Scott Lenz, ...
Learn about: Child's perception of having a stay-at-home dad from Scott Lenz,...
Julia Kantor, MFT Marriage & Family Therapist, shares expert advice for stay-at-home parents on how to best explain the difficulties of their job
See Scott Lenz's video on Differences between stay-at-home mom vs. stay-at-home dad...
Watch Scott Lenz's video on Debunking stay-at-home dad myths...
Learn about: Difficulties of being a stay-at-home dad from Scott Lenz,...
Chen Oren, PhD Psychologist & Author, shares expert advice for dads who are the primary parent on how to overcome the common challenges faced by them
Watch Video: Stay-at-home dad obstacles to overcome by Scott Lenz, ...
Watch Video: Fitting in as a stay-at-home dad by Scott Lenz, ...
Learn about: Social interactions for stay-at-home dads from Scott Lenz,...
View Scott Lenz's video on Feeling isolated as a stay-at-home parent...
Armin Brott, Dad, Author & Radio Host, explains the most common challenges faced by stay-at-home dads and offers advice on how to overcome those challenges
Armin Brott, Dad, Author & Radio Host, shares advice on the challenges faced by stay-at-home dads and offers tips on how to overcome those challenges
Mike Spohr, Blogger & Dad, shares on the challenges faced by stay-at-home dads and how they can overcome those common difficulties
Mike Spohr, Blogger & Dad, shares advice for stay-at-home dads on the helpful benefits of finding peer support with other stay-at-home dads
Marianne Williamson, Author & Lecturer, explains how spending quality time with your child before the age of five can be very beneficial for them