How to deal with insensitive comments towards stay-at-home dads

Adrian Kulp, Author & Blogger, shares advice for other stay-at-home dads on how to best respond when receiving insensitive comments about their role
How To Deal With Insensitive Comments Towards Stay At Home Dads
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How to deal with insensitive comments towards stay-at-home dads

How do I deal with comments as a stay-at-home dad that frequently occur, coming to me from strangers and sometimes friends? You know, I think I have heard it a million times. Where's mommy? Did she have the day off? You know, it's great that you are stepping up and babysitting your children for the day. And I think things like that you have to approach with a little bit of a sense of humor. You know, I'm with these guys 10 to 12 hours a day. So for someone to ask me that question, I think initially kind of inspires a little bit of angst, but at the same time some people don't have an edit button socially. So you just have to take in your stride. I personally don't mind people asking. You know, I am very comfortable with being a stay-at-home dad. I think that there's a way for people to approach stay-at-home dads, and it's very similar to questions you may have about other peoples' situations. I think most stay-at-home dads aren't afraid to talk about what they are doing during the day. And I don't think that there is anything wrong with it. From a stay-at-home dads' perspective, take their questions in stride and be proud of who you are and what you are doing. You are doing one of the most important jobs there is, and that's raising a child.

Adrian Kulp, Author & Blogger, shares advice for other stay-at-home dads on how to best respond when receiving insensitive comments about their role


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Adrian Kulp

Author & Blogger of Dad or Alive

Adrian Kulp is a stay-at-home dad for three kids under the age of 7.  His popular blog, ‘Dad or Alive’ helped him procure a deal at Penguin Publishing, titled Dad or Alive: Confessions of an Unexpected Stay-at-home Dad.  He also writes for The Huffington Post and is preparing a comedic lecture based on his transition into fatherhood. Adrian is a former TV executive both for Adam Sandler’s Happy Madison and Chelsea Handler’s Borderline Amazing Productions, as well as the comic booker for ‘The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson’ on CBS. Adrian's feature article 'Breaking Binky' was recently published in the February 2017 issue of Parents Magazine. This spring, he was nominated for a Shorty Award in Parenting, as well as an IRIS Award for 'Dad Blog of the Year' at the annual Mom 2.0 Summit held in Orlando.

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