Tiffani Theissen, Actress on television's White Collar, talks about the pros and cons of being a child actor and pressure on girls from an early age.
Watch Video: How and why to create a family purpose statement by Tsh Oxenreider, ...
Marianne Williamson, Author & Lecturer, shares advice for parents how how to make your home a place that is special and sacred for your family
Edwin Locke, PhD Psychiatrist & Author, shares advice for parents on the most important values to teach your kids and the best ways to teach those values
Cynthia Whitham, Associate Director of the UCLA Parenting Program, shares advice on how setting limits for you children can teach them empathy
Morris Dees, Esq. Civil Rights Attorney, shares advice for parents on how they can teach their kids about diversity and the benefits it has on society
Morris Dees, Esq. Civil Rights Attorney, shares advice on how parents can empower their kids to stand up against intolerance
Rosalind Wiseman, Author & Educator, shares advice for parents on how to help prepare their daughters for "girl world" and how to help them not be controlled by it
Kathy Eldon, Founder & President of Creative Visions Foundations shares advice for parents on how to teach their kids to be more giving and helpful people
Dana Entin, Parent Educator, shares advice for parents on how the best way to teach values to children is by looking inward and reflecting those values outward
The idea of a perfectly-planned wedding clashes with the idea of kids running around, right? But the two don’t have to be polar opposites! read more
The holiday season has snuck up on us once again. Scrambling to plan, shop, wrap, bake, cook, and party with friends leaves little time for us to pause and reflect on... read more
Instead of worrying if you can get your child enough of the “right toys” for Christmas this year, try a new approach: Give them less.
Many parents of very... read more
R-E-S-P-E-C-T…Find out what it means to me…what is it? Does anyone know besides Aretha Franklin? read more
When considering homeschooling a child who has reached school age or when the decision is made for children to leave a school they attended last year, parents who are... read more
Staff Sergeant (Ret.) Joey Jones talks about the challenges of explaining the demands of military service to your child.
Staff Sergeant (Ret.) Joey Jones talks about the Boot Campaign and all the amazing work it's doing to help veterans.
Mallika Chopra explains how to "live with intent" and have a more purposeful life.
What is my purpose? What happens after death?
As we begin the new year, we rewind our memories to the past year's triumphs, disappointments and growth. read more
Several years ago as my oldest (of four) children was transitioning from high school to college I had the opportunity to share a few thoughts (in writing) with him about... read more
I walked into the kitchen for a quick break, recently, and my 13 year-old son looked up from his homework with sad, puppy-dog eyes. I suggested a fresh air break, even... read more
The other day driving my daughter home from school, I see a new anonymous face holding a sign on the street asking for money.
This year, tax day is coming on September 24. Most people think that Rosh Hashanah celebrates the Jewish New Year. Except, Rosh Hashanah is one of four new years in the... read more
Learn about: Inspiration behind getting involved with Save the Children from Mark K. Shriver,...
Watch Video: What is Save the Children? by Mark K. Shriver, ...
Actress Alysia Reiner talks about teaching kids to give back to the community
Actress Alysia Reiner shares how she practices daily gratitude affirmations with her daughter
Pastor Jimmy Bartz reflects on raising children with good values in a society where they are inundated with negative and inappropriate images
Pastor Jimmy Bartz describes ways that parents can encourage their children to be more service-oriented
Pastor Jimmy Bartz talks about instilling values and virtues in your children
Pastor Jimmy Bartz explains the importance of teaching our children to be courageous
Pastor Jimmy Bartz offers practical advice and resources for fathers for cultivating vulnerability
See Reveta Bowers's video on How to create an ethical education...
Joline Godfrey, CEO of Independent Means, shares advice for parents on how to best answer your child's questions about your family's economic status
Jean Kilbourne, EdD Author & Social Theorist, shares advice for parents on the impact that recent studies show that pop stars have on your child's hopes and dreams
Watch Rabbi Sherre Hirsch's video on How to be righteous in the face of world suffering...
Tsh Oxenreider, Author & Blogger of "Simple Mom", shares advice for parents on how to organize and simplify your home and the benefits it can have for your family
Frederick Goodall, Blogger of "Mocha Dad", shares advice for dads on the important role that compassion and integrity plays in being a good example for your children
Morris Dees, Esq. Civil Rights Attorney, shares advice for parents on what they can do to avoid accidentally creating prejudice in their children
Morris Dees, Esq. Civil Rights Attorney, shares advice on how people can handle their own racial bias towards interracial dating
Morris Dees, Esq. Civil Rights Attorney, shares advice for parents on what they can do to help their kids from discriminating against other people
Rosalind Wiseman, Author & Educator, shares advice for parents on how to tell what role your daughter is playing in her social group
Philip Kent Cohen, Esq. Criminal Attorney, shares advice for parents on how to raise kids that are less likely to get in trouble with the law
Harry H. Harrison Jr., Best-Selling Parenting Author, shares advice for parents on how to teach kids the proper way to behave around alcohol in order to prevent underage... read more
View Gina Gonzalez, DDS's video on Benefits of taking child on a humanitarian trip...
Joel Haber, PhD Psychologist, Bullying & Parenting Expert, shares advice for parents whose child is a bully on what they can do to stop their bullying behavior
Watch Tanayi Seabrook's video on Teaching kids good values...
Learn about: How to guide your child to make good choices from Patty Robinson Smith,...
JoAnn Deak, PhD Psychologist & Author, explains how gender can have an affect on the values and morals that children have up until the age of fifteen to twenty
Kathy Eldon, Parent with a Purpose, shares advice for parents on the importance that the service learning has for kids and how to teach service learning to them
Denise Pope, PhD Senior Lecturer & Author, shares advice for parents on how to raise successful children and how to setting the right definitions of success is important
Kathy Eldon, Parent with a Purpose, shares advice for parents on how to instill and nurture a desire in your children to help others in their community
Edward Hallowell, MD, EdD Psychiatrist & Author, shares advice for parents on how to instill good values and morals into your children
Edward Hallowell, MD, EdD Psychiatrist & Author, shares advice for parents on the role that recognition plays in building a child's self-esteem and moral behavior
See Traci Cummings's video on How to teach your kids good values...
Gordon Neufeld, PhD Psychologist & Author, shares advice for parents on how to teach your children to be considerate and caring to others
See Paige Goldberg Tolmach's video on How to teach kids good values...
Kim DeMarchi, MEd Parent Educator, shares advice for parents on how to come up with a set of values with your family and teach them to your children
Rernando PUllman, MA Education Specialist, shares advice for parents on how to teach kids the good value of helping and giving to those less fortunate
Kathy Eldon, Parent with a Purpose, shares advice for parents on how to best instill good values and a moral compass into your children
Psychologist Michael Gervais, PhD, shares advice for parents on how living as an example for your kids can be the best way to instill morals into them
Lee Hausner, PhD Clinical Psychologist & Author, shares advice for parents on the best way to respond to your child's question on your family's financial standing
View Tim Wheeler's video on Parents as role models for love and respect...
Watch Video: Being the best influence on your kids by Tim Wheeler, ...
Child Therapist, Douglas Green, MFT shares advice for parents on the best ways to teach your children morality and self-worth
Learn about: Managing different values while co-parenting from Tristan Coppersmith,...
See Wanda Yeatman's video on Dealing with "But everyone else gets to"...
Al Checchi, Father & Businessman, shares advice for parents on how to teach your children how to avoid negative influences in life
Dana Entin, Parent Educator, shares advice for parents on the best time to begin instilling good values into your kids and the most effective ways to do so
Sociologist & Happiness Expert, Christine Carter, PHD, shares expert advice for parents on ways to raise a kind child through open loving communication
Sociologist & Happiness Expert, Christine Carter, PhD shares advice for parents on how to teach your kids to be grateful for what they have rather than entitled
Al Checchi, Father & Businessman, shares advice for parents on how to raise, happy, confident children who have good values
Sociologist & Happiness Expert, Christine Carter, PhD shares advice for parents on shy teaching kids to be grateful is necessary for them to be happy
Jane Rose, Mom & School Founder, shares advice for parents on the how to instill sexual responsibility and family values in your children as they grow up
Lee Hausner, PhD Clinical Psychologist & Author, shares advice for parents on the best ways to spread important family values down to your children
Shamsah Amersi, MD OBGYN & Mother, shares advice for parents on how to teach your children the power of hard work in order to help them reach their potential
Watch Video: Teaching children good values by Julie Hale, ...
View Wanda Yeatman's video on Instilling good values in your children...
Allison LaTona, Therapist & Parent Educator, shares advice for parents on how to build a strong family unit that is instilled with strong family values
Robert Brooks, PhD Therapist & Author, shares advice for parents on the best methods for teaching empathy to young children