How to live by example for your children

Psychologist Michael Gervais, PhD, shares advice for parents on how living as an example for your kids can be the best way to instill morals into them
How To Live By Example For Your Children - Parenting Tips
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How to live by example for your children

Values are really important as a guiding principle for how we engage in our life. The most important thing we can do to teach values is to live them and to engage in them and model them on a regular basis. So when we are talking about passing on or sharing values with our children, I think it is important for us to first understand our own value set and live accordingly. It is really that simple.

Psychologist Michael Gervais, PhD, shares advice for parents on how living as an example for your kids can be the best way to instill morals into them


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Michael Gervais, PhD

High Performance Psychologist

Dr. Michael Gervais, a licensed psychologist and industry visionary, is a founding partner of Pinnacle Performance Center. He focuses most of his time on people at the "top of their game," from NBA players, to Olympians, to military personnel. Dr. Gervais has a clear understanding of how performers become and consistently excel at a world-class level. Spending years in the trenches of high-stakes circumstances, Dr. Gervais has developed clarity for the tools that allow people to "thrive under pressure."

Dr. Gervais is a published, peer-reviewed author and a nationally recognized speaker on issues related to high performance for those who excel on the largest stages in the world.

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