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Expert Advice for Parents of Twins

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5 Things You Should Never Say to a Child With Aspergers (or any child)

Growing up, I received a lot of feedback about my behavior, but it wasn't the kind of feedback that helped me make better decisions. I know that you want to help your kids make better decisions, as did my parents, but something was missing.

Lost in translation, you could say.

When I was 38, I discovered that my quirks, gifts and more than a few of my struggles were the result of Asperger’s Syndrome.


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      Parenting Young Children Respectfully

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      The Cost of Airport Convenience: Worth It?

      Travel is constant weighing of savings vs. convenience. When you travel with kids the equation gets more complicated. When is paying more to make travel less stressful really worth it?

      The airport VIP services that airports, airlines, credit card companies and private firms are offering these days raised this question for me. These for-fee perks start at around $50 and go beyond $1,000 per person.  I think that at the low end they’re worth the splurge if you are flying solo with a child, flying with multiple small kids, or traveling with both older grandparents and children.

      How the Fair Warning System Prevents Battles

      When children are immersed in play they usually put their entire soul into the activity. It is this intensity that allows them to absorb so much about the world in the early years of their life. They are always learning, always taking in something new. Because of this intensity it can be very hard for a child to switch from one activity to another without first making a mental adjustment.


      Kids Get Very Focused on Their Play


      It's Hard To Say Goodbye

      Transitions can be hard. The end of school; the beginning of camp; moving to a new house or a new school; Grown-ups talk frequently of the "major life crises." They're all about transitions of one kind or another. Certainly, leaving a play date or changing activities during the day at school are transitions as well, but for this newsletter let's concentrate on the biggies. It's scary for anyone to experience events that are out of one's control.

      Presence in Parenting: The Secret Formula That Will Transform Your Family's Lives

      Becoming a parent is such a life altering experience.  There are so many stages and so many new emotions.  First, we hear the sounds and the giggle of our babies.  Then, these little voices we wait so patiently to hear, as they learn to speak their first words...these little humans that we have the honor of bringing forth through us into our physical world...These beautiful blessings that love us so unconditionally...They are excited by EVERYTHING!  


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