The pros and cons of twins in separate classrooms

Joan Friedman, PhD Psychologist & Twin Expert, shares advice for parents of twins on the pros and cons of twins being in separate classrooms and explains which she thinks is ultimately best for twins in the long run
Raising Twins | The Pros And Cons Of Twins In Separate Classrooms
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The pros and cons of twins in separate classrooms

Not withstanding certain circumstances, I believe that twins should be in separate classrooms at school. In order for the separation to occur without trauma, the twins need to have had some prior positive experiences being away from one another. If you children are to be in separate classes, be sure to focus on the perks. They have their own class. They have their own teacher. They make their own friends. It really does help to have them separated because you can minimize the comparison and the competition. Most importantly, children will be known so much better by their teachers and by their peers because they will be seen as individuals and not as a unit. Be sure to find out what the Kindergarten placement policies are in your school district. Sometimes it's left up to parental discretion and other times, it is not. Anyway it turns out, make sure that you prepare your children for Kindergarten and whatever awaits them.

Joan Friedman, PhD Psychologist & Twin Expert, shares advice for parents of twins on the pros and cons of twins being in separate classrooms and explains which she thinks is ultimately best for twins in the long run


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Joan Friedman, PhD

Psychologist & Twin Expert

Dr. Joan A. Friedman is a prominent and well-respected twin expert who shares her passionate views and insights about twins and their emotional needs with twins and their families throughout the world. The fact that she is an identical twin and the mother of five, including fraternal twin sons, makes her ideally suited to this task. Her commitment to twin research and her treatment of twins of all ages demonstrate the breadth and depth of her skills and experience. She conducts ongoing groups for parents of twins and provides consultation on twin related matters such as school placements, developmental discrepancies, and behavioral issues.

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