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NBC’s ‘The Slap’ Parents Needed A Plan

by Ellen Williams and Erin Dymowski

The scene is a mahogany-paneled courtroom with soft light filtering through the floor-to-ceiling windows. The camera tightens up on a distraught mother, Rosie, in the witness box.

Lawyer: Who was watching your child at the barbecue?

Mother: All of us. There were lots of adults there. We all take care of the kids.

Lawyer: How much did you have to drink?

Mother: Three to four glasses of wine.

Lawyer: And you were breastfeeding?

Character Education-What We Can Learn From the Atlanta Public Schools

The April 1 guilty verdicts for 11 former teachers and administrators in the Atlanta Public Schools were hardly a fool’s joke. In what The Atlanta Journal Constitution (AJC) called “one of the most notorious” scandals to ever befall a public school system, the educators conspired to correct student answers on the mandatory Criterion-Referenced Competency Test (Johnson, 2015).



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    Bicycle Safety Tips for Kids

    Now that Spring is finally here and the weather is warming up, kids are going to be back outside on their bikes.  Before they do however, it's important to consider some safety tips.  Nationally, nearly 300,000 children 14 and under are treated in hospital emergency rooms every year for bicycle-related injuries.

    Here are a few tips to keep your kids safe while they ride:

    The secret to stopping power struggles

    “Time for bed,” my husband says. He’s not talking to our 3-year-old. He’s talking to me, because I’ve been going to bed waaaay too late, and I’ve asked him to help me out. Even so, whenever he tells me what to do, I balk. “OK,” I say noncommittally, and I stay up even later.

    Think about the last time someone pressured you to do something. What was your gut reaction?

    How about the last time you told your 3-year-old what to do? Did she do the opposite of what you wanted?

    Mine did.

    Tapas, Flamenco and Rejuvenation

    Leaving my four daughters behind in Los Angeles while I explore Spain with my hubby is no easy task, but it's worth it. Josh Kafka ( arranged all our hotels and everything was absolutely perfect!

    We traveled back in time to the cobblestone streets of Cordoba where we began our adventure. Cordoba is a perfect one night stop over for an delicious dinner and walk through this charming city. There are no starbucks lining the streets. Instead, there are family owned cafes and restaurants that offer authentic flavors of andalucia.

    Did You Know? Parents Feel Separation Anxiety too!

    It’s one of the secrets of parenthood: Not just children get separation anxiety! Many parents are unprepared for the feelings of sadness and emptiness they have when separated from their children. The emotions that pop up when you leave your child with a babysitter or when you watch your child drive away in the school bus can span from a dull ache all the way to worry and panic.



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