We now live in a world where diversity often spans past race, and being aware of the various ways that diversity comes into our lives has to be a daily practice. In the series, Diversity Matters, I’ll be sharing insights from mental health professionals about how to discuss a variety of diversity issues with our children.
Neuropsychiatrist, New York Times Bestselling Author, and Mindsight Educator
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The Oscar-nominated film “Boyhood” offers a rambunctious tour inside the life and times of Mason Evans, Jr., actually tracking the real-time coming of age of actor Ellar Coltrane (IMBD, 2014). While rife with the familiar conflicts and conquests of growing up as a boy, the film also tracks the identity search of Mason’s sister, Samantha (Lorelei Linklater), if a bit more subtly.
Parents Used to Play In Snow
Associate Professor, David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA
Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist/ Parenting Expert
“Since you didn’t pick up your toys, you can’t watch your favorite TV show before bed tonight!”