Are you tired? Do you feel like your baby is always crying? Join us on Thursday, April 16th at 12:30pm PT for our #KITHangout dedicated to helping you get your baby to sleep. Join the discussion for a live Q&A with some of the top sleep experts in the country! Click here to RSVP and ask your questions.
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Does your preschooler reject the idea of taking a nap? Are you wondering if naptime is a thing of the past? Energetic children don’t understand the physical benefits of sleep; they see naps as an unwanted interruption in their day. If kids were given the choice they’d never sleep – day or night – until they simply fell over! Leaving the decision to nap up to your child, then, is like allowing her to choose between vegetables or cookies for dinner.
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Yes, you read that right. I have spent 18 years ignoring my kids.
It may not always seem this way, but our kids are built to sleep. Good sleep is natural—it’s hard wired in our little ones’ brain stems, and unfolds organically over the first several months.
The real trick (and biggest predictor of good sleep over time) is following our kids’ unfolding sleep abilities so they can do what comes naturally to them: fall asleep independently and sleep well throughout the night and for naps.
From ages zero to five a child’s brain forms connections more rapidly than it ever will again, with 90% of our brain being fully developed by the age of five. Parents can do a lot to ensure their baby’s brain is receiving all the input it needs in order to begin developing those strong connections from birth. The best way for your child to learn is through play. The more you play, talk, interact with and stimulate your child through their senses, the quicker they develop their language, motor, executive functioning, and self-help skills.
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Author of Trauma Proofing Your Kids & Developer of Somatic Experiencing
Behaviorist & Swim Instructor
Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist/ Parenting Expert
Neuropsychiatrist, New York Times Bestselling Author, and Mindsight Educator
Neuropsychiatrist, New York Times Bestselling Author, and Mindsight Educator
Neuropsychiatrist, New York Times Bestselling Author, and Mindsight Educator
Neuropsychiatrist, New York Times Bestselling Author, and Mindsight Educator
Neuropsychiatrist, New York Times Bestselling Author, and Mindsight Educator
Neuropsychiatrist, New York Times Bestselling Author, and Mindsight Educator
Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist/ Parenting Expert
Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist/ Parenting Expert
Professor and Director, UCLA Child OCD, Anxiety & Tic Disorders Program
CEO & Founder of Red Tricycle
President and Editor In Chief, Huffington Post Media Group