The Safety Mom
Alison Jacobson, a.k.a. “The Safety Mom” is a spokesperson, life coach and motivational speaker. She is a regular guest on national TV news shows discussing a wide range of family safety issues. In 1997 her first child died of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome and her second was born with severe intellectual disabilities. Her current husband was diagnosed with Primary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis and she is now the caregiver for two generations of men in her life.
Safety experts will tell you that it’s important to be on the social media channels that your teen is using. But what if you have no clue what they’re about? New ones pop up regularly and most parents simply can’t keep up with which ones are safer than others or even how to use them. So, I decided to enlist my daughter to help parents get a better understanding of the more popular apps that teens use.
The first she covered is Snapchat.
Q: What is Snapchat?
Now that Spring is finally here and the weather is warming up, kids are going to be back outside on their bikes. Before they do however, it's important to consider some safety tips. Nationally, nearly 300,000 children 14 and under are treated in hospital emergency rooms every year for bicycle-related injuries.
Here are a few tips to keep your kids safe while they ride:
February is Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month, an issue most parents think will never effect their son or daughter. But, unfortunately, that's not the case. Most parents don't realize the extent of date violence and abuse among teens. According to a study conducted by Teenage Research Unlimited (TRU)
Most moms of neuro-typical (kids without disabilities) 15 year-olds are starting to think about them getting their driver’s license and dating. For the moms of many special needs kids, these rights of passage are a long way off and might not ever occur. Every mom is proud of the accomplishments of their kids and bragging rights are expected.
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