Percy L. Abram, PhD explains how to prevent children from becoming racist, classist or sexist through classroom exercises
Frederick Goodall, Blogger of "Mocha Dad", explains what the challenges faced by Black fathers are today and shares advice on how to overcome them
Morris Dees, Esq. Civil Rights Attorney, shares advice for parents on how they can teach their kids about diversity and the benefits it has on society
Morris Dees, Esq. Civil Rights Attorney, shares advice on how parents can empower their kids to stand up against intolerance
Watch Reveta Bowers's video on Diversity in student and administrative leadership...
Percy Abram, PhD, explains how to build a bi-racial identity in children, even when they don't "look" bi-racial
Percy Abram, PhD, discusses the challenges faced by bi-racial children and what parents can do to help
Percy L. Abram, PhD offers his tips on raising strong, confident children who are biracial
Percy L. Abram, PhD explains how his school teaches students about diversity in their community
Frederick Goodall, Blogger of "Mocha Dad", shares advice for parents on how to teach their kids the best way of dealing with prejudice they may face
Morris Dees, Esq. Civil Rights Attorney, shares advice for parents on what they can do to avoid accidentally creating prejudice in their children
Morris Dees, Esq. Civil Rights Attorney, shares advice on how people can handle their own racial bias towards interracial dating
Morris Dees, Esq. Civil Rights Attorney, explains how his parents taught him about civil rights and shares advice on how parents can teach their own kids
Morris Dees, Esq. Civil Rights Attorney, explains how and why the internet can be used to reduce bias and promote tolerance in our society
Morris Dees, Esq. Civil Rights Attorney, shares advice on how parents can watch themselves from using negative, racist, or sexist language in front of their kids
Morris Dees, Esq. Civil Rights Attorney, shares advice for parents on what they can do to help their kids from discriminating against other people
Morris Dees, Esq. Civil Rights Attorney, shares advice for parents on how they can help keep their sheltered from various hate groups
Rosalind Wiseman, Author & Educator, discusses how mean girls exist in all ethnic groups and how different ethnic groups can be mean about different issues
Shannon Crossbear, Native American Elder, shares advice on how parents can benefit from incorporating native traditions into their family's lives
Shannon Crossbear, Native American Elder, explains the significance what we call ourselves and how our names come to be in tribal cultures
Shannon Crossbear, Native American Elder, shares advice on how a child's culture can protect them from the challenges faced during youth
Beth Hall, Director of Pact-An Adoption Alliance, discusses whether or not parents today are parenting in a post-racial society
Beth Hall, Director of Pact-An Adoption Alliance, shares advice for parents on the best way to talk to young children about racism
Ana Flores, Author, Blogger & Entrepreneur, shares advice for parents on all of the benefits of being bilingual has on a child
Ana Flores, Author, Blogger & Entrepreneur, discusses the many misconceptions about bilingual kids and whether or not they are true
Ana Flores, Author, Blogger & Entrepreneur, shares advice for parents on how they can use their native language to share your culture with your children
Ana Flores, Author, Blogger & Entrepreneur, shares advice for parents on helping their bilingual child who is mixing languages learn to separate the two
Denene Millner, Bestselling Author & Founder of MyBrownBaby, discusses the lack of positive exposure of African American moms in the media and its effects
Kathy Eldon, Founder & CEO of Creative Visions Foundations, shares advice for parents on how learning from African culture can help to create a strong family unit
Rabbi Sherre Hirsch, Rabbi & Relationship Expert, shares advice for parents of different faiths on how to best agree on the belief to raise your child by
Rory Hadley, Blogger & Mom, shares advice for parents on how they can determine their child's type of hair
Watch Video: Peer pressure to pass as one race when you're mixed by Christina Simon, ...
View Christina Simon's video on Mixed race couples and racism...
Rory Hadley, Blogger & Mom, explains some of the surprising issues surrounding black hair that she discovered with her transracial adopted daughter
Rory Hadley, Blogger & Mom, shares advice for parents of transracial families on how to best handle insensitive comments people make about your family
Denene Millner, Bestselling Author & Founder of MyBrownBaby, shares advice for parents on how to best instill self-pride and confidence in your daughter
Denene Millner, Bestselling Author & Founder of MyBrownBaby, shares advice for African American parents on teaching your child the best way to handle racism
View Christina Simon's video on When strangers ask "Is he yours?"...
View Christina Simon's video on Creating a diverse environment for mixed race kids...
Denene Millner, Bestselling Author & Founder of MyBrownBaby, shares advice for African American mothers on how to overcome the assumptions made about them
View Christina Simon's video on Celebrating both heritages in your mixed race family...
View Christina Simon's video on Mixed race children denying part of their heritage...
See Christina Simon's video on Mixed race kids who identify more with one race...
Watch Christina Simon's video on When family won't accept your children because of their race...
Rory Hadley, Blogger & Mom, shares advice for parents in transracial families on how to answer people's curiosity and questions about their family
Denene Millner, Bestselling Author & Founder of MyBrownBaby, explains how African American women have low breastfeeding rates and shares advice to help them
Learn about: Ethnicity and family perspectives from Claudia Flores,...
Watch Video: A-list role models for mixed race children by Christina Simon, ...
Learn about: Tips for interreligious and interracial families from Tristan Coppersmith,...
Denene Millner, Bestselling Author & Founder of MyBrownBaby, shares advice for pregnant African American women on overcoming the stereotypes of black mothers
Rory Hadley, Blogger & Mom, shares advice for parents on how to help your young child sit still during a haircut or hair care
See Christina Simon's video on Benefits of being a mixed race child...
Rory Hadley, Blogger & Mom, shares advice for parents on how skin care for kids with darker skin tones is different than those with lighter skin tones
Denene Millner, Bestselling Author & Founder of MyBrownBaby, shares advice for parents on common hair and skin issues in new born babies of color
Denene Millner, Bestselling Author & Founder of MyBrownBaby, shares advice for parents of color on how and what to teach their kids about racism
Denene Millner, Bestselling Author & Founder of MyBrownBaby, shares advice for parents on how to raise strong, smart African American daughters in America today
Denene Millner, Bestselling Author & Founder of MyBrownBaby, shares advice for parents pressuring your kids the right amount based on their capabilities
Rory Hadley, Blogger & Mom, shares advice for parents on the importance of understanding the needs of all children, including proper hair and skin care
Denene Millner, Bestselling Author & Founder of MyBrownBaby, shares advice for parents on how to raise strong, smart African American sons in America today
See Christina Simon's video on How to explain mixed race families to children...
Rory Hadley, Blogger & Mom, shares advice for parents on how to treat African American children's hair well to avoid it from drying and breaking off
Learn about: Contemporary mixed race role models from Christina Simon,...
View Christina Simon's video on Telling mixed race children that they're different...
Watch Christina Simon's video on Building self-esteem in mixed race kids...
View Christina Simon's video on Different skin color within a mixed race family...
Learn about: Signs of race-based bullying in school from Christina Simon,...
View Christina Simon's video on Explaining racism to your children...
See Christina Simon's video on Today's acceptance of mixed race marriages...
Learn about: Today's acceptance of mixed race families from Christina Simon,...
Elsa Chahin, Infant & Toddler Consultant, shares advice on the great value of talking to your child in your home language if it is different than English
Watch Video: Introducing your culture to your partner's family by Christina Simon, ...
Watch Video: Mixed race terms that are offensive by Christina Simon, ...