The benefits of raising a bilingual child

Ana Flores, Author, Blogger & Entrepreneur, shares advice for parents on all of the benefits of being bilingual has on a child
Parenting Tips | The Benefits Of Raising A Bilingual Child
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The benefits of raising a bilingual child

The benefits of being bilingual are just so huge that we just cannot ignore them anymore. All the research that has been coming out in the last years has proven that a bilingual brain is a lot more flexible. They are better multi-taskers. It makes kids even more critical in their thinking. It is the cognitive advantages are huge. They translate to their reading skills. They even are turning out to have better math and science skills. The schools that have bilingual programs like, dual immersion, are actually outscoring other schools. Not only that, but the benefits go out through old age. Right now, it is proving that it is actually delaying the onset of Alzheimer's.

Ana Flores, Author, Blogger & Entrepreneur, shares advice for parents on all of the benefits of being bilingual has on a child


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Ana L. Flores

Author, Blogger & Entrepreneur

Ana L. Flores is co-founder of SpanglishBaby, the award-winning blog and online community for parents raising bilingual and bicultural kids, as well as co-author of the book, Bilingual is Better: Two Latina Moms on How the Bilingual Parenting Revolution is Changing the Face of America. A bicultural and bilingual Latina born in Houston, Ana was raised in El Salvador and lives with her familia in Los Angeles.

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