Physical Care After Birth Videos
See Elliot Berlin, DC's video on How the placenta can benefit mom after birth...
Richard Jennings, President of Stem Cell Services, explains the likelihood that a child would need to use cord blood stem cells and why parents should bank their child's... read more
Richard Jennings, President of Stem Cell Services, explains how to process of collecting cord blood and tissue immediately after birth affects the newborn baby
TV personality and CEO of Modern Mom, Brooke Burke-Charvet, shares how belly binding postpartum helped her to easily get back in shape
Alisa Donner, LCSW, Co-founder of Pregnancy Awareness Month, shares her best advice for new mothers on the importance of allowing yourself to recuperate and rest for the... read more
OBGYN Lauren Hyman, MD, explains the normal procedure for mothers after giving birth up until the end of her hospital stay
Richard Jennings, President of Stem Cell Services, explains the shelf life of cord blood that is stored at cord blood banks
Richard Jennings, President of Stem Cell Services, explains the likelihood of cord blood being a successful match for blood transfers to family members
Today hospitals and key personnel are trained to assist new mothers with breastfeeding their newborns. Dr. Paul Crane, acclaimed obstetrician describes the benefits of... read more
Learn about: Losing weight after giving birth from Mikael Brisinger, MD,...
Deena Goodman, Physical Therapist, explains the best types of treatments for moms who have had a cesarean delivery and the benefits that physical therapy can have
Physical Therapist Deena Goodman, PT, shares advices for new moms on the best methods for strengthening your abdominal muscles after giving birth
Physical Therapist Deena Goodman, PT, shares advices for new moms on the best methods for postpartum belly flattening, depending on how you gave birth
Physical Therapist Deena Goodman, PT, shares advices for new moms on the benefits and advantages that postpartum physical therapy offers for women after childbirth
Physical Therapist Deena Goodman, PT, shares advice for women on how kegel exercises can help to prevent postpartum problems
Physical Therapist Deena Goodman, PT, explains the differences in the postpartum issues faced by women after a c-section compared to a vaginal birth
Physical Therapist Deena Goodman, PT, shares advice for new moms on the best and most effective time to begin physical therapy treatments to help restore your body after... read more
Learn about: Postpartum doctor visits from Shamsah Amersi, MD,...
Learn about: Bleeding after childbirth from Shamsah Amersi, MD,...
View Andra Clark's video on First bowel movement after childbirth...
Physical Therapist Deena Goodman, PT, shares advice for new moms on the best physical therapy treatments for moms who have had a vaginal delivery
Physical Therapist Deena Goodman, PT, explains the most important safety rules for new mothers when exercising postpartum
Physical Therapist Deena Goodman, PT, explains the most common issues with the pelvic floor postpartum that women face and the best exercises and therapies to help with... read more
Physical Therapist Deena Goodman, PT, shares advice for new moms on the non-surgical treatment options available to women for abdominal muscle separation
Physical Therapist Deena Goodman, PT, shares advice for new moms on which type of belly bands are best and how postpartum belly bands help support the abdominal muscles... read more
Physical Therapist Deena Goodman, PT, explains the different postpartum physical therapy treatments available for new moms, and what kind of treatment can help with
Physical Therapist Deena Goodman, PT, explains the causes of vaginal or pelvic floor pain for women after giving birth and how physical therapy can help to get rid of... read more
Physical Therapist Deena Goodman, PT, shares advice on how physical therapy treatments can help new moms for incontinence