The importance of rest after giving birth
Alisa Donner, LCSW, Co-founder of Pregnancy Awareness Month, shares her best advice for new mothers on the importance of allowing yourself to recuperate and rest for the first few months after giving birth if possible
Alisa Donner: What’s my best advice for a brand new mother? It is to stay quiet as long as you can in the beginning. And sleep when your baby is sleeping. It sounds cliché. It may even sound impossible. It’s crucial. Sleep when your baby is sleeping. You will be like a family of kittens napping in and out all day long but it’s important. You need your rest. It’s restorative. You need to be able to produce what is needed to feed your child if you’re going to nurse your child. To be present. You have had a labor. Whether it’s caesarian or was in a hospital or in a home birth, you need to recuperate. So allow yourself to cuddle in and be kind of like a little, like I said, like a little kitten family, together. For the first few months, I would say, if you could. If you can, if you can take that much time off of your other activities in your life. But then it’s also about finding people. Find the resources. Find women, other mothers. Find websites. Find resources to support you in your quest. Because your questions have not stopped. In fact, you will find that you have more than you ever thought you did when you were pregnant.
Alisa Donner, LCSW, Co-founder of Pregnancy Awareness Month, shares her best advice for new mothers on the importance of allowing yourself to recuperate and rest for the first few months after giving birth if possible
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Alisa Donner, LCSWCo-founder of Pregnancy Awareness Month
Alisa Donner is the co-founder of Pregnancy Awareness Month (PAM) with Anna Getty. The mission of PAM is to empower, inspire and build a community of support for expectant women and families. The four initiatives of the month-long campaign are Education, Exercise, Nutrition & Wellness, and Nurture. Alisa is also a licensed clinical social worker.
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