How hospital personnel can help with breastfeeding

Today hospitals and key personnel are trained to assist new mothers with breastfeeding their newborns. Dr. Paul Crane, acclaimed obstetrician describes the benefits of breastfeeding help early on.
How hospital personnel can help with breastfeeding | Kids in the House
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How hospital personnel can help with breastfeeding

Breastfeeding has become exceedingly popular over the last generation. We encourage almost everybody to breastfeed. And the hospital personnel has become very attuned to this over the course of the last period of time. We do allow people to nurse as often as necessary and most hospitals now employ lactation consultants that come and help people learn how to breastfeed. Usually these people visit people on a daily basis and assist in allowing breastfeeding to become part of their routine.

Today hospitals and key personnel are trained to assist new mothers with breastfeeding their newborns. Dr. Paul Crane, acclaimed obstetrician describes the benefits of breastfeeding help early on.


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Paul Crane, MD


Paul Crane, MD, is a board-certified Obstetrician and Gynecologist and has practiced for more than 30 years. He specializes in natural childbirth and VBAC births in his practice in Beverly Hills. Paul is the father of six children ranging in age from 18 to 40. In his free time, he enjoys photography. Even after 30 years, one of his favorite things to do is deliver babies. 

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