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      Not Enough Breast Milk

      If you don't have enough Breast Milk, then the first and foremost important thing to do is to increase breast stimulation. So if you have a good nursing baby, we want moms to increase her time at breast as much as she can throughout day and night. If the baby's a so-so nurser, we'll have the moms again attempt to nurse as much as possible, but we're gonna follow it up with some pumping, so that the breasts get added stimulation.


      The decisions are endless when it comes to the big question: Are we ready for a baby? Is now the right time?  Are our finances in good shape? You’ve been thinking, discussing, and saving with your partner and now the time has come—You’re ready for baby! You may already be feeling new questions creeping on: How do I know if I’m fertile? When am I ovulating? How do you figure out your ovulation cycle? How long should it take for me to become pregnant?

      Teen Drinking

      The teen years are some of the most confusing and trying times in a person’s life. While some teens may sail through them without a glitch, others get sidetracked and start to experiment with different substances, often starting with alcohol. Teen drinking has reached epidemic proportions over the past decade.

      Prenatal Care During Pregnancy

      Pregnancy marks an important time period in a woman’s life. To keep you and your baby healthy during this time, take some extra steps to get the prenatal care that you need. Early and regular appointments with your doctor are extremely important, as well as taking care of your body by maintaining a healthy diet. Whether this is your first child or your fifth, prenatal care is still vitally important for both you and your baby.


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