Pregnancy as nature's head start program

Learn about: Pregnancy as nature's head start program from Marcy Axness, PhD,...
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Pregnancy as nature's head start program

We tend to think of pregnancy as a nine month grace period before parenting really begins. That's not it at all. I call pregnancy, nature's secret head start program because nature set it up this way brilliantly. It's natures plan to create organisms who are as well-suited to their present environment as possible. What better way to do that then for that developing baby's brain to be responding to what is going on in real time during mom's pregnancy. Her experience of life. Her nutrition and her behavior, and a lot of it is her emotions; they become downloaded as a biochemical lessons to baby about what kind of world is out there. Is it a world that is kind and loving and I can flourish to my fullest extent? That's a different brain that wires up. If the mom is under constant stress, then the baby's brain is going to be wired to survive in a different environment.

Learn about: Pregnancy as nature's head start program from Marcy Axness, PhD,...


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Marcy Axness, PhD

Childhood Development Specialist

Marcy Axness, PhD, is an early development specialist, popular international speaker, and author of Parenting for Peace: Raising the Next Generation of Peacemakers. She is a top blogger at and a member of their expert panel. Featured in several documentary films as an expert in adoption, prenatal development and Waldorf education, Dr. Axness has a private practice coaching parents-in-progress. She considers as one of her most important credentials that she raised two peacemakers to share with the world -- Ian and Eve, both in their 20s. 

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