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How storytelling connects both sides of the brain

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    How to Prevent and Treat Child Burn Injuries

    Burns are painful injuries and sometimes cause permanent damage. Children are naturally curious about the world around them, and unfortunately, this curiosity sometimes turns toward dangerous elements in their environment. While it’s important to teach your children about fire safety, some kids are too young to understand these concepts. With this in mind, aim to limit the likelihood of your children being burned and take steps to make your home safer.


    Alternatives For College Reluctant Teens

    Everyone wants their child to be successful. Even in the delivery room, you probably had thoughts in the back of your mind of your child attending an elite university and attaining some prestigious degree that will lead to a high paying job. But the reality is, despite your best hopes and dreams, there is a very real chance that your kid won’t want to attend college.

    Emotionally intelligent child

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      Emotionally intelligent child

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        Learning More About Your Adopted Child With DNA Testing

        In my case, being an adopted child means more to me than if I had been biologically conceived by my loving parents who were unable to have children of their own. Being an adoptee never came as a bombshell revelation to me but rather was common knowledge throughout my childhood as my parents said things like, “We ordered you from the baby store.”

        Camping With Family: How to Plan a Safe and Exciting Trip

        On average, children spend around seven hours a day in front of a screen. 

        Do you know how much time they spend outside? Four to seven minutes. 

        The numbers are clear – American children have all but replaced time in nature with smartphones and computers. And here’s an even more disturbing statistic: kids spend twice as much time on their smartphones than talking to parents. 


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        Talking to teens about it.

        I think the most important thing for parents to digest is the sober news that about 80% of human beings have sex before their 19th birthday, for the first time. So, we want that experience to be safe, we want this experience to be loving, and we want this experience to teach them something about how to have a healthy relationship.When we only teach abstinence, we're doing our kids a disservice. What works for kids and what they want is a strong message of abstinence or postponement coupled with information about birth control and how to protect themselves from STDs.


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