Parent, Writer, Blogger
Tracey Clayton is a full time mom of three girls. She loves cooking, baking, sewing, spending quality time with her daughters and she’s passionate for writing. She is contributor on High Style Life and her motto is: “Live the life you love, love the life you live.”
"Knowledge is power. Information is liberating. Education is the premise of progress, in every society, in every family." – Kofi Annan As a parent, you wish for your children to be successful in life, be happy and find a career that will satisfy them both emotionally and financially. At the first glance, this doesn’t seem as something parents of young kids should worry about, but that success is a seed planted in early days of schooling, and if nurtured properly, it can grow to become a strong empowering tree. That seed is called love for school, and it is planted by the hands of parents.
If you happen to have a big family and a big backyard that feels unused, there are ways in which it can be transformed to fit all your needs. All it takes is some effort and creativity. So, if you’d like your backyard to reach its full potential so you can truly enjoy every minute spent in it, here are a few suggestions you should consider.
Pouty faces, pushed-away plates, and loud proclamations of “Eww!” are no one’s idea of fun, and yet every parent knows them. From deciding that anything green is downright evil, to little quirks such as refusing to eat anything with a crust or anything that isn’t round, children who are picky eaters can often be very exhausting. The amount of organization and effort required to prepare meals that they won’t hate takes its toll on an already tired parent, so finding a solution and changing your child’s eating habits is important.
In today’s world most people tend to link physical activity with weight loss, and forget all the important benefits it brings to both our body and mind. For kids, especially, keeping physically active is a must, it helps improve their motor skills, get that extra energy out so that they can sleep better, and most importantly it teaches them discipline and commitment.
1It’s never too late to learn something new, but is there such thing as too early? Young children are like sponges. Their curiosity and capacity for new information are beyond amazing, which is why many parents try to use this to their children’s advantage at their earliest of age. The reason for this is that, although our little ones aren’t aware of this, we know how important it is to make sure that their future is a good one. We want them healthy, happy and, if possible, ahead of their competition somewhere down the road.
Designing the perfect spot for raising your little one may seem like a daunting task, especially if you have no experience in interior design. If you’re feeling a bit overwhelmed and aren’t exactly sure where to start, these five nursery design tips will help you get a grasp of what a chic, stylish and practical nursery should look like. Take a look.
The teenage years represent a transition into maturity and adulthood, which is why it comes as no surprise your teen wants to throw a more stylish and elegant birthday party this year. However, while an outdoor celebration might be the perfect option for beautiful warm weather, backyards can be particularly tricky to turn into a sophisticated venue. So, here are some of the best tips and tricks that will help you decorate like a pro, and throw the best elegant birthday party your teen could ask for:
Being a parent is one of the most beautiful things in the world but it’s never easy, especially when you work full-time. Balancing your work and parenthood may be challenging but, fortunately, it’s not impossible. With the following tips, you may find your own perfect formula to juggle your responsibilities at home and at the office.
A huge part of being a parent is providing a safe, loving environment for our children. While we can’t protect them from everything no matter how hard we try, we can give them what they need to grow up safely and thrive in life. Are you eager to help your own kids by giving them the kind of environment they need in order to be healthy and happy? Then take a look at some of our tips if you want to know all the ways you can do that.
Safe on the road
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