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Lilianas Best

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Why are they important?

From a legal standpoint, some cities, like Los Angeles, have daytime curfews for teens under age 18, who are not permitted in public places, including parks, vacant lots, restaurants, and amusement parks during the school year when school is in session. In Los Angeles, any teen under 18 is not permitted to be in a public place between 10 pm and sunrise the next day. Before setting a curfew time for your teen, be sure to check your local laws regarding day time and night time curfews for minors.

What is Separation Anxiety Disorder?

Children with Separation Anxiety Disorder are obsessed with the fear of separation. The child becomes fearful and nervous when away from home or separated from a parent or caregiver. They often have nightmares or regular physical complaints. They might show a reluctance to leave the home or go to school. Children are especially prone to separation anxiety during periods of high stress.


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