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Epidural Anesthesia

An epidural, or epidural analgesia, is a regional anesthesia used for rapid pain relief and is the most commonly used anesthesia in childbirth. The purpose of an epidural is to provide analgesia, or pain relief, rather than anesthesia, which is a total lack of feeling. After the injection of an epidural, the mother usually does not feel pain in labor but will still feel pressure. Over half of women who deliver in hospitals ask for an epidural.

Pregnancy Workouts

Whether you were a couch potato or an elite athlete before your pregnancy, there are many reasons and ways to fit exercise into your routine now that you are expecting a baby.  Exercise can help fight fatigue, manage hormones, and, of course, promote long-term health for both you and baby!

Teen Defiance

A defiant teenager might portray out of control or disrespectful behavior towards parents. Cursing, using drugs and alcohol, and being difficult are all examples of defiant behavior. Dealing with these circumstances can be challenging or frustrating, but it is important to remember that this is still your child. Experts in the field share tips and advice for how to deal with an unruly teenager.

Learning Disabilites

When someone uses the term “learning disability”, they are referencing a wide range of issues that affect someone’s mental, social, and physical development. Dyslexia falls under the category of learning disabilities, as does Sensory/Auditory Processing Disorders and dysphasia. Children with a mild or moderate learning disability may be comfortable in social settings and may need little to no adjustments in their academic program. Children with severe learning disabilities may require special learning tools, techniques, and assistance in order to succeed to their greatest potential.


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