"You're doing it wrong."
This is the message kids hear most often when we resort to punitive or harsh discipline. They don't hear -
You made a mistake.
This is hard.
I am here to help.
"You're doing it wrong."
This is the message kids hear most often when we resort to punitive or harsh discipline. They don't hear -
You made a mistake.
This is hard.
I am here to help.
Assigning children household chores is one of the best ways to build self-esteem and a feeling of competence. Regular chores establish helpful habits and good attitudes about work. Children who grow up perceiving chores as a normal part of life will find the flow into adulthood much easier than those without responsibility will. Most parents underestimate their children’s abilities!
The cancellation of a Sunday night variety show at summer camp foretold the impending death of Zwaldon, Mastermind of the Universe, a mythical figure able to answer questions before they are asked. Those old enough to remember Johnny Carson’s Tonight Show will recognize Zwaldon as the successor to his character, Carnac the Magnificent, a "mystic from the East" who could psychically "divine" unseen answers to unknown questions.