The truth about the characteristics of an only child

Lauren Sandler, MA Journalist and Author, explains the data backed research of the common characteristics and personality traits of only children
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The truth about the characteristics of an only child

The current research finds what has been found for decades now, which is that in terms of social adjustment and emotional well-being, only children don´t test differently than other kids. But there are exceptions, and it is interesting because the exceptions are actually positive exceptions. We have this negative notion about only children, but the places in the quantitative studies in which only children differ from kids with siblings is that we and I will say we because I am one myself we tend to test higher in intelligence tests. We tend to be more successful both academically and professionally. And we tend to have pretty great social skills, so it is funny that we have been walking around with this stereotype of the maladjusted misfit only child when by the numbers it is a pretty good thing.

Lauren Sandler, MA Journalist and Author, explains the data backed research of the common characteristics and personality traits of only children


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Lauren Sandler, MA

Journalist & Author

Lauren Sandler is the author of One and Only: The Freedom of Having an Only Child and the Joy of Being One, and a journalist who writes on cultural politics and gender issues for publications like Time, The New York Times, and Slate. And she’s as an only child and the mother of one herself. 

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