KidsInTheHouse the Ultimate Parenting Resource
Kids in the House Tour
Pattie Mallette, Best-selling Author and Award-winning Producer, shares advice for parents on what to do if you suspect your child has been abused
Karen Kay Imagawa, MD, shares advice for parents who think their child has been abused and how to be open and ask them in a way in which they will understand
Karen Kay Imagawa, MD, shares what the common physical signs are of a child who has been molested or sexually abused
Karen Kay Imagawa, MD, shares advice about the proper steps to take to report child abuse when you are concerned or suspicious that it may be occurring
LAPD Detective Charles Schlund, shares advice for parents regarding child molesters from his experience working in the Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force
Detective Charles Schlund, LAPD, Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force, explains the common misconceptions about child sex offenders
Dr. Deborah Gilboa explains the warnings signs of sexual abuse.
Karen Ogden
In 2014 we've seen domestic violence highlighted by the mainstream media unusually frequently. read more
Psychologist Kenneth M. Adams explains how the emotional abuse of a same-gender parent can create problems later in life
Sex addiction expert Kenneth M. Adams, PhD talks about the effect a parent's sex addiction or infidelity can have on a child
Psychologist Kenneth M. Adams, PhD talks about the long-term effects of childhood sexual abuse and how it can lead to sex addiction
Psychologist Kenneth M. Adams, PhD explains covert and emotional incest, and how inappropriate emotional relationships with one's parents can be damaging
Psychologist Kenneth M. Adams talks about the chance of "covert incest" or inappropriate relationships in single-parent or dysfunctional families
Psychologist Kenneth M. Adams, PhD explains the impact an inappropriate relationship with a parent can have on a child's longterm emotional health
Watch Gavin de Becker's video on There are two kinds of predators you should be aware of...
See Gavin de Becker's video on An abusive relationship when kids are involved...
View Karen Kay Imagawa, MD's video on Defining physical abuse...
See Karen Kay Imagawa, MD's video on Behavioral signs that a child has been molested...
View Karen Kay Imagawa, MD's video on When the abuser is in your family or daily life...
Karen Kay Imagawa, MD, shares advice for parents on whether or not their young child's masturbating is a sign of sexual abuse and red flags they should look for
Learn about: Steps to take if you think your child has been abused from Karen Kay Imagawa, MD,...
Learn about: Defining sexual abuse from Karen Kay Imagawa, MD,...
Detective Charles Schlund, LAPD, Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force, shares advice on what to do if you believe that a child you know is being molested
Detective Charles Schlund, LAPD, Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force, explains how sex offenders manipulate minors for the purposes of sexual exploitation
Psychotherapist & Author Wendy Behary, LCSW, shares advice for parents on when a parents narcissism can be dangerous to a child and how it endangers them
Lois Lee, PhD, Founder & President of Children of the NIght, explains how pimps use manipulation to be able to control more than one prostitute at a time
Lois Lee, PhD, Founder & President of Children of the NIght, explains how female child prostitutes can be manipulated into thinking that they prefer life as a prostitute
Lois Lee, PhD, Founder & President of Children of the NIght, explains what leads children that runaway from home to end up as prostitutes
Lois Lee, PhD, Founder & President of Children of the NIght, explains how child and teen prostitutes are controlled and motivated by their pimps
Joe Laramie, Retired Police Lieutenant, shares advice for parents on what to do to help protect your kids from sexual abuse and exploitation
View Dani Klein Modisett's video on How to react to a child's molestation...
Maggie Baumann, MFT, Certified Eating Disorder Specialist, shares advice for parents on how child sex abuse and eating disorders are connected and how near half of kids... read more
Educational Psychologist Michele Borba, EdD, shares advice for parents on the typical profile of a child abuser, and what kind of person, statistically speaking, is most... read more
Educational Psychologist Michele Borba, EdD, shares advice on the common signs and symptoms that often indicate that a child has been sexually abused
Randall Devine, FBI Special Agent Child Predators, explains how there is now typical child molester profile and that a child offender can be anyone
Randall Devine, FBI Special Agent Child Predators, explains the profile is for children who are victims of online child sex offenders to help parents teach their... read more
Parenting Author Jeffrey Kluger shares advice for parents on how to properly handle sexual play between young children and siblings
Educational Psychologist Michele Borba, EdD, shares advice for parents on the best steps to take with your children in order to help prevent sexual abuse
Child Safety Expert, Pattie Fitzgerald, explains the statistics of how common sexual abuse in children is, and what can be done to help decrease its numbers
Child Safety Expert Pattie Fitzgerald shares advice on the early warning signs that can often indicate that a child has been sexually abused or molested
Relationship and Parenting Expert Wendy Walsh, PhD, shares advice for single mothers on how they can keep their children emotionally and physically safe when dating
Learn about: Sexual predators and child pornography from Robin Sax,...
Robin Sax, Attorney & Legal Analyst, explains the differences in the definitions of a pedophile and of a sexual offender
Robin Sax, Attorney & Legal Analyst, shares advice on the proper steps to take if a child is being sexually abused by your partner or one of the child's parents
Robin Sax, Attorney & Legal Analyst, shares advice on the common signs and symptoms that can indicate that a child has been sexually abused or molested
Psychologist Sheila Kamen, PsyD, shares advice for parents on what can be done to help prevent sexual child abuse and how to teach your child to make right decisions... read more
Psychologist Alan Yellin, PhD, shares advice for parents on what to do if you suspect that your partner is having inappropriate sexual contact with your child and doesn'... read more
Psychologist Sheila Kamen, PsyD, shares advice on the most common signs that a child has been molested or sexually abused and what to do if you notice the signs in a... read more
Clinical Psychologist Chris Fulton, PhD, shares advice for parents on how to approach and talk to your child if you think he or she has been sexually abused