How pimps control a girl's social world

Lois Lee, PhD, Founder & President of Children of the NIght, explains how female child prostitutes are completely controlled by their pimps, including in their social life
How Pimps Control The Social World of Female Child Prostitutes
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How pimps control a girl's social world

The pimp controls the social world of the female prostitute. She’s only allowed to have contact with four different people, and he controls her perceptions of those people. One is the customer, who represents everybody who has sexually abused her in her life. He’s not to be trusted. He’s not considered human. He deserves to be cheated and manipulated and maybe even hurt. The others are prostitutes, who are girls who compete with you for the pimp’s attention, and oftentimes they should not be trusted. Thirdly, there’s pimps, other pimps. And if you make eye contact with a pimp, then that’s considered cheating, and you owe him money. Often it’s referred to as “reckless eyeballing”. And the last character is the police officer, the cop who can take away your freedom and take away the love of your life by putting him in prison if you cooperate with him. Aside from that, the prostitute, once she’s working as a prostitute, sees everybody in one of those four roles. Consequently, there’s no escape from prostitution.

Lois Lee, PhD, Founder & President of Children of the NIght, explains how female child prostitutes are completely controlled by their pimps, including in their social life


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Lois Lee, PhD, JD

Founder & President Children of the Night

Dr. Lois Lee is a pioneer and trailblazer in rescuing America’s sex trafficked children right here in the United States.  She is the founder and president of Children of the Night and has rescued over 10,000 children from prostitution—that is more children than all of the other sex trafficking organizations combined. Since 1979 she has raised more than $40 million in private donations to support her groundbreaking programs. Diplomats come from all over the world to observe Lee's ground-breaking work at the Children of the Night home. Dr. Lee has received countless awards for her humanitarian work, most notably the prestigious President's Volunteer Action Award, presented to her by President Ronald Reagan at the White House in 1984, and permanent memorial portrait at the Frederick Douglas Museum honors her 1994 National Caring Award. Her life story was portrayed in a CBS Movie of the Week “Children of the Night” in 1985 and she was profiled on CBS “60 Minutes” in 1987. Dr. Lee was lauded by singer/songwriter Richard Marx in his song "Children of the Night," which appeared on his 1989 Repeat Offender album.

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