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On to winter projects at Second Harvest Curriculum!

All through the summer season I am writing notes about next winter’s projects.  So now it is time to find all the notes, organize and prioritize.

First item on the list are which homeschool curriculums to add to our ever growing Second Harvest Curriculum’s Catalog page. I have been given ideas by homeschool moms throughout the year and will be checking out the possibilities. Ideas are welcome anytime, email us at  We also send out an email in January asking for ideas from our subscribers. Please sign up for our Promotional mailing list emails of free shipping, sales and shipment updates.

The second item on my list is advertising and connecting with Homeschoolers on Social Media, Homeschool Radio and Homeschool group’s web pages.   This sort of connection is very cost effective and reaches a lot of our customers and vendors.   Research on this level is very enlightening and mind boggling sometimes as there is so much out there.  Other options for advertising are homeschool magazine ads and postcards for Christian Schools.  More research to be done!
Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest  and SHC’s blog help us to connect and share about our free shipping, sales and shipment updates. Please join us. 

Next comes cleaning and maintenance on this house.  Second Harvest is located in a rental house that we have had for many years and lived in for 5 years. Our 3 boys grew up here and the house has many memories of those years.  So I am very happy to have SHC here.  I have quite a list for this but I am not sure what Gary thinks of all the projects I would like to do.
Right now these are the 3 main projects which will spread into other projects so I am sure I will keep busy getting ready for “Summer 2016!”

Lory Power's picture

Lory Power & her husband Gary had the honor of homeschooling their youngest son Dylan Jr. high through graduation. With that experience Lory enjoys listening & sharing with homeschool moms about the joys & trials of homeschooling & finding good used homeschool curriculum.  Lory has worked for Second Harvest Curriculum since June 2010 & has owned Second Harvest Curriculum since January 2013.Their website address is