Parents with a Purpose Videos
Watch Geena Davis's video on Founding the Institute of Gender in Media...
It’s overwhelming at first to be in Africa because it is so different, and there is a slight feeling of being uncomfortable because you don’t know how safe... read more
We are currently in London on a layover before Africa. Ready for high tea....very civilized.
Learn about: Using your blog for good from Tsh Oxenreider,...
Today I got my vaccinations as I am going Africa. I am bringing my three kids (ages 14, 10 and 5) with me to work in an orphanage. read more
See Anna Getty's video on The need for Pregnancy Awareness Month...
Kathy Eldon, Parent With A Purpose, shares advice from personal experience for parents who have lost a child on how to cope with grief and turn that grief into a... read more
Kathy Eldon, Founder & President of Creative Visions Foundations shares advice for parents on how to teach their kids to be more giving and helpful people
“Be nice to your sister.”
“Use kind words.”
“What you did wasn’t very considerate.”
As parents, we’re always... read more
As parents are well aware it is common for preteens, both boys and girls, to self-evaluate their appearance.
How to discipline is key to parents. Disciplining should influence a child's future behavior. Try an "action replay" after misbehavior. Ask them to tell you what they... read more
The holiday season has snuck up on us once again. Scrambling to plan, shop, wrap, bake, cook, and party with friends leaves little time for us to pause and reflect on... read more
R-E-S-P-E-C-T…Find out what it means to me…what is it? Does anyone know besides Aretha Franklin? read more
What do you tell your nine and two year old when their Daddy is facing a life-threatening injury with virtually no chance of survival? How do you protect them from... read more
My preschooler came out of her room and stomped once. I carried her back to bed.
Staff Sergeant (Ret.) Joey Jones discusses what it means to come back home and deal with the aftermath of being injured abroad and how to not fall into the "victim... read more
Staff Sergeant (Ret.) Joey Jones talks about supporting military families and what that entails.
Staff Sergeant (Ret.) Joey Jones discusses how military injuries affect parenting
Staff Sergeant (Ret.) Joey Jones looks back on what got him through getting injured while serving in the military and how he find the inspiration to not give up.
Ali Landry explains, an app she created which helps moms and dads find the best baby products.
Watch Tiffani Thiessen's video on Tiffani Thiessen discusses the Baby Buggy charity...
View Tiffani Thiessen's video on What is the Baby Buggy Charity?...
Songwriter and producer Desmond Child explains why he made the documentary film "Two: The Story of Roman & Nyro"
Jennifer Siebel Newsom, MBA talks about what inspired her to make the documentary film, "Miss Representation"
Jennifer Siebel Newsom, MBA discusses what she hopes the public will learn from her film "Miss Representation"
Watch Video: Support the Institute on Gender in Media by Geena Davis, ...
Learn about: Why Ricki Lake made "The Business of Being Born" from Ricki Lake,...
Learn about: The Lead Safe America Foundation from Tamara Elise Rubin,...
Watch Linda Burch, MBA's video on How Common Sense Media is making a difference...
View Pattie Mallette's video on Writing a memoir about motherhood...
Watch Pattie Mallette's video on What was your inspiration to write your book?...
Watch Video: The Birthday Project & The Thanksgiving Project by Jill Smokler, ...
Watch Video: Becoming a green activist by Ed Begley, Jr., ...
See Michelle Danner's video on Why I made a movie about school shootings...
Watch Liane Weintraub, MA's video on Reinventing yourself after becoming a mother...
View Michelle Danner's video on Making a fictional film about a very real situation...
See Alisa Donner, LCSW's video on What is PAM (Pregnancy Awareness Month)?...
View Alisa Donner, LCSW's video on Empowering the "mom" in everyone...
Watch Alisa Donner, LCSW's video on The need for Pregnancy Awareness Month...