The Unhealthy Truth and what you can do about it

Watch Robyn O'Brien's video on The Unhealthy Truth and what you can do about it...
The Unhealthy Truth and what you can do about it | Kids in the House
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The Unhealthy Truth and what you can do about it

The Unhealthy Truth is a book that I wrote which documents my story from financial analyst to a mother of four that learned about all of these changes in the US food supply, and what that meant not only to the health of my children, but to the health of our country. And in that story, I was able to share how these changes have been introduced, how counties around the world have either rejected them, or insisted on labeling these ingredients, and how together, all of us, as Americans that are so concerned and care so deeply about the health of our families, how all of us can be part of the change to restore not only the integrity of our food supply, but also the health of our families.

Watch Robyn O'Brien's video on The Unhealthy Truth and what you can do about it...


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Robyn O'Brien

Author, The Unhealthy Truth

Robyn O'Brien is recognized by Teri Hatcher, Kourtney Kardashian, Kristen Bell and moms around the world.  She has been called “food’s Erin Brockovich” by The New York Times and has been named by SHAPE Magazine as a “Women To Shape the World”, by Forbes Woman as one of “20 Inspiring Women to Follow on Twitter,” and by The Discovery Channel as one of its 15 Top Visionaries. She is a former food industry analyst, author, mother of four and the founder of AllergyKids Foundation. Robyn graduated as the top woman in her class from business school before working as a financial analyst that covered the food industry. She is regarded as an expert on children’s health policy.  She has appeared on CNN, The Dr Oz show, Today Show, Good Morning America, CNBC's Kudlow Report, Fox News and the Ricki Lake Show and has appeared in several documentary films, including Food Patriots, Unacceptable Levels, Genetic Roulette.  

Robyn’s work has been recognized by individuals such as Yoko Ono, Robert Kennedy Jr., Ted Turner and Prince Charles. She is the founder of the visionary organization which is focused on restoring the integrity of the food supply and the health of children, the author of The Unhealthy Truth (Random House 2010) and her work is seen in Food, Inc. filmmaker Robert Kenner’s 2012 video, Labels Matter, and in Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution.

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