The need for Pregnancy Awareness Month

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The need for Pregnancy Awareness Month

Anna Getty: The reason I started PAM is because I was a prenatal yoga teacher 9 years ago and I kept having women come into my yoga class who are these really highly functional women, you know, late 30s, early 40s, and they would come into my yoga class and say I have no idea what’s going to happen. What am I doing? And I was pregnant as well and I had this amazing community around me who supported me. Midwives, doctors, lactation consultants, and I felt so supported. And at the time I decided to do a prenatal yoga video, which I did at the end of my pregnancy. And then my baby was born and I did a post natal yoga DVD. And I got an amazing feedback from women who did the DVD. And I just thought, how can I support women as they’re moving into this really vulnerable time. How can I help them feel the way that I felt? You know, just supported and educated and trusting myself. So I called up my lawyer and I said, Can I declare a month to be something? And he got back to me and said yes. So the next thing I knew, I had this campaign which was, you know, the crux of this interest of mine. To really support women. And here we are 6 years later.

See Anna Getty's video on The need for Pregnancy Awareness Month...


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Anna Getty

Founder of Pregnancy Awareness Month

Anna Getty is the founder of Pregnancy Awareness Month (PAM). She is a mother of two, a former pre-natal yoga teacher, author and holistic lifestyle educator.

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