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Kids in the House Tour

Childrens’ Playtime And Head Injuries

Normally, these two phrases do not go together. But according to one study, over 200,000 children a year are rushed to hospital emergency rooms after serious playground injuries. Monkey bars and other climbing equipment are responsible for the most playground equipment fall incidents, which altogether account for over 90 percent of such injuries. Strangulation is the second leading cause of playground injury.

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Intense Emotions/Outbursts

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    Separation anxiety

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    Laura Markham

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    Gender differences in learning

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      Obsessive, Compulsive, Digital: Why Parents Cannot Afford To Be Old-Fashioned

      I first have noticed that something was wrong when my 9-year-old started having troubles falling asleep. It is quite common for the kids of his age, so I took all the usual steps. We’ve talked about how sleep is important and how he must get up in the morning to be at school on time. We negotiated the time. I stocked up on chamomile tea and lavender essential oil.
      The revelation


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