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    How To Teach Your Kids Healthy Habits

    Raising healthy children is a life-long process, but it starts at an early age. As a parent, you want to teach your kids healthy habits and behaviors. You also want your children to choose nutritious foods, learn to balance their diet, and engage in exercise. The challenge is finding the right ways to teach a child without getting too technical for a young individual to understand the discussion. Fortunately, you can teach healthy habits by practicing the lessons you plan to teach.

    Get Kids in the House - Meet "M"

    Feb 07, 2017
    “M” is an active yet introverted girl who enjoys playing with friends and her toys. She can express her needs in simple sentences, feed herself, put her shoes on and careful go up and down stairs. If you or someone you know might be interested in adopting her, please contact Lisa Tinh CHLSS (651)...
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    Get Kids in the House - Meet HJ

    Feb 07, 2017
    Let’s help HJ find a home!! HJ enjoys reading, painting and playing outside. He lives with his foster family in Asia where he is very helpful and sweet. If you or someone you know might be interested in adopting him, please contact Lisa Tinh CHLSS (651) 255-2252 Please SHARE...
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    Bring Some Traditional School Experiences To Your Home School

    Choosing to homeschool your children is a choice that comes with a lot of weighing of pros and cons. It’s also fueled with very strong opinions for and against it. Even if you feel strong in your choice, there is always that thought in the back of your mind “are my kids missing out on certain experiences they can only get in school?”

    Using Science to Help Your Aggressive Child. 5 Powerful Tips to Help

    Your son’s friend doesn’t want to share a toy. Your son fights him and grabs the toy


    Your daughter bites and pulls other children’s hair in day-care


    Your child throws a tantrum every time he doesn’t get what he wants


    Familiar scenarios?


    Dealing with an aggressive child is never easy because aggressive behaviour is often accompanied by negative and destructive actions and frequently appears as a voluntary intent to hurt or frighten.



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