As a parent of three teenagers who are in college or are ready to begin that journey, our home is often filled with the discussion of possible career paths and what college degree might be best for each path. While all of these discussions are certainly healthy, and full of curiosity and excitement for each child, the parent in me wants to consider these discussions on another level. College is not getting any cheaper, and in fact, some colleges and their degrees are staggeringly expensive and quite simply, out of reach for my children and my family.
Preparing for adulthood
Family Psychologist
The relationship between parents and school has morphed- while parents once blamed their children for shortcomings, parents are now turning their indignation toward the teacher.
Starting kindergarten can be stressful both for the child and their parents. It’s a big change, and it needs to be introduced into the kid’s life the right way so they could adapt to it. It’s difficult to transition from a safe, loving home into the world of social interaction with others that may not necessarily be aware of your child’s needs or feelings. In order to make this process easier, we present you with a few tips that will help the whole family learn how to deal with this big change.
Help Your Child to Overcome Negative Impact of Video Games
It's obvious video games are having a negative impact on your child's life. Back in the good old days they were a lot more basic. Children were still able to drag themselves outside to play. Things changed as games evolved and designers manufactured them to be as addictive as possible.