Author, Psychologist
Katica Marica is a child psychologist and parent educator with 15 years of experience in helping kids and parents to better understand each other and overcome various problems by joint efforts. She is also a mother of two beautiful angles, passionate traveler and dreamer.
In the bygone days, the only screen time parents had to compete with for their children’s attention was the television. Today, parents are faced with competing with home video game consoles, smartphones, iPad, iPad Touch, laptops, Facebook, Instagram and the Internet. Most likely, your children know how to use all of these.
Scientific studies prove spending time outdoors is healthy and necessary for both children and their parents. Not only does Vitamin D come from natural sunlight, but it’s also one of the best forms of good health for your kids. The fact that spending time outdoors with the kids distracts them from television and other electronics indoors is an added benefit.
Help Your Child to Overcome Negative Impact of Video Games
It's obvious video games are having a negative impact on your child's life. Back in the good old days they were a lot more basic. Children were still able to drag themselves outside to play. Things changed as games evolved and designers manufactured them to be as addictive as possible.
KITH Voices
Foster Care and Parenting Specialist