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    Getting Ready for High School Begins in Sixth Grade

    Lisa writes: Ahhhh…the beauty, the certainty of 20/20 hindsight.  As my youngest nears the end of high school, I have been thinking about what allows kids to perform at their best and enjoy their four years to the fullest.  What do I wish I had known as my kids turned 12 that would have helped them in getting ready for high school? If I had it to do again…

    Do one thing well

    "By Myself"

    Coming in a close second after “mine!” on the list of most frequently used toddler phrases is “by myself!” It’s truly exciting when your baby starts exerting her independence, using language, and more actively exploring the world around her. But the world of toddlers and 2s brings with it a new batch of challenges. How do you support your child’s desire to be independent and foster her feelings of competence and self-esteem, while also keeping her safe and setting appropriate limits?

    Bill's sweet playlist

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      Discipline vs. a child's happiness. What's a parent to do?

      The natural course of human events relies on a child striving to please his parents. A parent striving to please his child is a new phenomenon and one guaranteed to bring civilization to its knees.

      Many of today’s parents are so fainthearted that the idea of their child being upset with them that they resort to 12-step meetings, shrinks’ couches, and doing really stupid things: like supplying beer kegs to a teenage party, or putting their thirteen-year old on birth control pills, or stay up all night writing a term paper for them.

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        Top 5 Must-Have Apps for The Multi-Tasking Mom

        I’m a mom first and foremost but I’m also an entrepreneur running a crazy busy media company. One who has business deadlines, teams to manage, a hectic travel schedule and an abundance of to do lists. I’m also the most disorganized person you have ever met. I’m that mom who gets the call on an early dismissal day from school with the judging tone of voice on the other end saying, “Mrs.Vinderine, school has been out for 30 minutes, will you be arriving anytime soon? “#EpicMomFail


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