Fearless Parenting
Harry H Harrison Jr. is a NYTIMES best selling parenting author with some 4 million books in print. He has been interviewed on over 25 television programs, and featured in over 75 local and national radio stations including NPR. His books are available in over thirty-five countries. For more information visit www.fearlessparenting.com.
Children of all ages watch everything their parents do. Do you smoke? Do you drink? Do you take a lot of pills? Do you look at porn? It’s difficult to do these things while explaining to your kids why they shouldn’t do these things.
On the other hand, do you go to worship services regularly? Do you lead a youth group? Do you volunteer at area hospitals or take part in a clean up the neighborhood project or get involved in Habitat for Humanity?
The natural course of human events relies on a child striving to please his parents. A parent striving to please his child is a new phenomenon and one guaranteed to bring civilization to its knees.
Many of today’s parents are so fainthearted that the idea of their child being upset with them that they resort to 12-step meetings, shrinks’ couches, and doing really stupid things: like supplying beer kegs to a teenage party, or putting their thirteen-year old on birth control pills, or stay up all night writing a term paper for them.
It seems as if today so many parents don’t actually want to be parents. Oh, they love their kids, they just don’t want to raise them because that can bring up well, using the word “no,” which could lead to tears and crying and the dreaded “You’re not my friend,” or worse, “I hate you.” Then being the guilt buckets we are we rush in and hold their hand and soothe their feelings and tell them of course we’ll buy you a Corvette at 15.