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Dana's Kids

Dana Rosenbloom has a master’s degree in Infant and Parent Development and Early Intervention. Dana’s Kids offers home, school and web-based services in the areas of parent education, play and behavior therapy, special education services, parent workshops and support groups, and professional development. To learn more about Dana and Dana’s Kids, please visit

Transitions can be hard. The end of school; the beginning of camp; moving to a new house or a new school; Grown-ups talk frequently of the "major life crises." They're all about transitions of one kind or another. Certainly, leaving a play date or changing activities during the day at school are transitions as well, but for this newsletter let's concentrate on the biggies. It's scary for anyone to experience events that are out of one's control.
When you find out you’re pregnant your brain and heart fill with excitement and hope, joy and the thoughts of endless possibilities. It also brings with it concern and trepidation, thoughts of sleepless nights and being able to provide what a child needs.
Coming in a close second after “mine!” on the list of most frequently used toddler phrases is “by myself!” It’s truly exciting when your baby starts exerting her independence, using language, and more actively exploring the world around her. But the world of toddlers and 2s brings with it a new batch of challenges. How do you support your child’s desire to be independent and foster her feelings of competence and self-esteem, while also keeping her safe and setting appropriate limits?
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