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Advice for bullying proof nonverbal children or children with autism

Posted September 19, 2013 - 3:57pm
I find the advice spot-on for kids who are capable of speaking and expressing feelings verbally, but what about kids, who due to their disability, are nonverbal or who cannot comfortably look people in the eye or control their emotional reactions easily to stressful stimuli? What self-survival strategies are out there for kids not in the neurotypical or dominant population? I know kids with disabilities, especially those with autism, are being targeted at very high rates, but I cannot find advice for kids on the spectrum who are nonverbal. Any research or advice is welcome if rooted in actual experience (not theory).

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Joel Haber, PhD
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Psychologist, Bullying & Parenting Expert, Author
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I don't have any personal experience with this subject, but I did do a little research and found this great resource. Hope it helps you and your child. Best of luck!

Marshall Herff

Not a huge fan of homeschooling but would probably recommend that - keep the child far away from those mean kids at public schools.


I would look for a better schooling environment to find himself in.