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Have Sex On Saturday and Get Pregnant Tuesday

Posted February 22, 2013 - 3:59pm

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A little known fact about sperm!!


Wow! I never knew that before! So very interesting that it can take 72 hours to travel all the way to their final destination!


Hi there, maybe you can get pregnant after three days. But you to help you know if Saturday was your ovulation period try this site to calculate it for you so that you will know if you are going to get pregnant. Good luck.  


I will have to keep this in mind for next time!

Marshall Herff



Really good to know, especially as a parent of teens. They aren't sexually active yet, but this is information to pass on for sure!


Wow! This is interesting (and something I have never known before)


I love the title of this post!  I learned so much while trying to conceive my first child that this wasn't news to me!  Good to know for both preventing or trying!


Woah! I too didn't know this before even after being a mother of two. Great Info. :)