Egg and sperm life expectancy

Fertility Specialist Hal Danzer, MD, explains how long sperm and an egg last once they have been released in the body
Egg & Sperm Life Expectancy - Fertility Tips - Kids In The House
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Egg and sperm life expectancy

The best answer to how long sperm and egg last once they’re released is a story from a couple just about a year ago. He had to go on a business trip. It was day 8 of her cycle, so Saturday night they have sex. He has to leave the next day on business. Tuesday morning she’s doing her ovulation predictor kit, positive. Calls him up, “You’ve got to get home, I’m ovulating.” “Can’t get away.” Two weeks later, she misses her period, does a home pregnancy test and she’s positive. How did they get pregnant? Well, the egg lasts one day when it’s released. But sperm can last two, three, even four days in the female reproductive tract and that’s obviously what happened for this couple – pregnant on Tuesday from sex on Saturday, four days before.

Fertility Specialist Hal Danzer, MD, explains how long sperm and an egg last once they have been released in the body


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Hal Danzer, MD

Fertility Specialist

Co-founder and partner of the Southern California Reproductive Center, Dr. Hal C. Danzer, MD is an expert in reproductive medicine, including reproductive endocrinology, women’s health and fertility issues.  As one of the most respected specialists in the Los Angeles area, over the years Dr. Danzer has helped countless patients fulfill their dreams of becoming parents. 

Dr. Danzer, a reproductive endocrinologist, is board-certified in obstetrics and gynecology, and serves on the faculty of the UCLA Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility Fellowship Program.  He is also Assistant Clinical Professor in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA.

Among his hospital appointments, Dr. Danzer served as Reproductive Endocrinologist at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, as well as Attending Physician in the Cedars-Sinai Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology. 

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