I have been around the homeschool realm for many years and there have been so many changes. There is a lot more information that can be easily accessed via the internet, homeschoolers with a lot more experience that are willing to share & an abundance of homeschool curriculum.
We homeschooled for 4 years, 8th grade thru 12th grade with a year off for 10th grade in public school. Before that Dylan had gone to a country school which was awesome.
I had been around homeschoolers for about 10 years, watching and asking a lot of questions in case we decided to take the plunge into homeschooling.
Several friends had solutions to all of my reasons (excuses) for not homeschooling. Two friends were single moms with 1 daughter each. Watching them work, homeschool and live life was amazing.
Another friend brought me a big box of books & tapes. That was a treasure to have a place to start, from there we added more. Solutions from these & more friends by example, encouragement & supplies helped us start & continue.
In today’s homeschool world there are many blogs by homeschool moms & dads, forums, Facebook pages, podcasts & magazines to name a few ways to find the solutions you are looking for.
My son was not necessarily interested in the great ideas I was finding. Some days my enthusiasm was way over what his was for things to do. That made for some tension in our home. Our solution was to let him pick out some of the online videos or documentaries & to add a few subjects that were interesting to him. Some to do at his own pace & others to incorporate with our regular school work. It really was amazing how well that worked & sometimes he picked things to learn that was at a much higher level than I thought he could do.
Second Harvest Curriculum is a way for me to pass on solutions that I have learned by my own experiences & from the homeschool moms & dads that I get to talk to each day. I am so grateful that they are willing to share with me so that I can learn & pass it on.
There is so much great homeschool curriculum available. Usedhomeschoolbooks.com has over 40 different publishers on our catalog page.
Our most popular curriculums are Abeka and Bob Jones. These have all grades & all subjects. Some families use some of each & others add in specific curriculums like Apologia, Answers in Genesis and Math U See.
In all areas of homeschooling it is so great to have choices & solutions!