I get a lot of calls during the year from people wanting to sell their used homeschool books.
Please help!
1. They are taking up way to much space in my closet, garage, storeroom etc.
2. This would really help to buy next year’s curriculum or pay the electric bill.
3. We are moving.
4. My husband wants them gone!
I have moms call saying “I have years of Abeka books I need to sell, don’t know why I hung on to them so long.
Some of the reasons are:
1. We might need them for reference
2. Maybe our younger children could use them.
3. Family members or friends may need them.
4. So many memories of the good and not so good days of homeschooling.
Homeschool books are reminders of our homeschool days. I remember the fear and uncertainty of even beginning. I felt more confident when I got the curriculum and saw that I really was not on my own. Teacher editions, Curriculum Guides and Answer keys help a lot with the subjects we don’t do well in and make it easier in the subjects we are comfortable with. Curriculum/Lesson Plans or Daily Planners are godsends most days. We talk about curriculum that fits the child, and it also needs to fit the parent. One mom said to me “I want curriculum that says, this is what you do today.” She had twin 10 year old daughters that kept her very busy.
Memories for me, that’s the tough one. I had a hard time selling Dylan’s books, but working at Second Harvest helped me see the benefit to keeping books moving on to others.
Several friends of mine recently brought in their homeschool books, (several years after being finished). Michelle said as we were unloading her vehicle, “I don’t feel I can move on with my life until I get these books out of the house.” She was crying as she left.
Another friend was moving to a smaller house and did not want to take them with her. I saw her later that summer and she said “That was such a relief to get those books out of my house.”
Stan brought in books the other day, the story was, “I asked my wife, now what’s in those boxes by the TV, she said homeschool books.” The next day he had them loaded up and to me.
Selling your books, we understand can be hard. Please consider Second Harvest Curriculum when you are ready to sell. We get many thank you’s everyday from Homeschool families and Christian schools for what we do. It is an honor and a privilege to be in the middle, helping families and schools sell and buy their books, keeping used books available for the people who need them. We have been in business for 23 years and we have seen books come back thru to us that we have sold in previous years.
It makes me smile!
Next month more information about selling your used homeschool books or go to our site www.usedhomeschoolbooks.com the Sell to SHC link.